Qcompiling module works but use_module not for an specific module

I am experiencing a strange trouble on module. I always use_module/2 to use modules, except a module matrix. The use of :- use_module(util(matrix)) causes an
unknown predicate error on runtime, but :-qcompile(util(matrix)) works normal. I suspect this is related to compile_aux_clauses/1, which is used to compile some blocks in the module ‘matrix’. As I have been using frequently the compile_aux_clauses/1 in many places in compiling my library without trouble, I may be missing some simple thing about compile_aux_clauses/1. For the time being I have to live with this exception.

:- module(cgi, []).
:- use_module(pac(op)).
:- use_module(pac(basic)).
:- use_module(util(misc)).
:- use_module(util(coalgebra)).
:- use_module(util('fol-prover')).
:- use_module(util(html)).
:- use_module(util(latex)).
:- use_module(util(math)).
:- use_module(util(seqcal4)).
:- use_module(util(npuzzle)).
:- use_module(util(turing)).
% :- use_module(util(matrix)).   % matrix_calc/3 unknown error: strange
:- qcompile(util(matrix)).
:- use_module(util(langsem)).
:- use_module(util(ptq)).
:- use_module(util(models)).
:- use_module(util(hmodel)).
:- use_module(util(prooftree)).
:- use_module(util(ifmap)).
:- use_module(zdd(zdd)).
:- use_module(zdd('zdd-plain')).
:- use_module(pac('pac-listing')).

term_expansion --> pac:expand_pac.