If you are writing the predicates that access the data at the Prolog level directly then yes. But while it may seem like a real problem at first, after you get a few predicates working that pull a few bytes into a word, double word etc, and then use those predicates you quickly find yourself not writing code with predicates where you are directly using get_byte/1 and start to build up higher and higher levels of code. But still under it all is accessing bytes one at a time.
Related post: Example parse of binary data using DCG
If you change the terminology of that sentence it will make more sense. The raw data stored on a file for any encoded data is stored and accesses as raw bytes, when the data is read it is read as one or more groups of bytes then passed through a decoder that converts the bytes into a value. Now the value may itself represent something but in textual display it will most likely be a glyph that is represented as a bit pattern for display on a display device, or the value could be converted to some variation of vector graphics and that is used to create a glyph.
Recently I spent time with UTF-8 which encodes Unicode into bytes for storage with the smallest storage unit being 8 bits or one byte. There is also UTF-16 that encodes Unicode into bytes for storage with the smallest storage unit being 16 bits or two bytes. See: Unicode encoding UTF-8 for more details.
I use to program in 6502 assembly, it was hard having very few general purpose resisters.