I’m currently studying Logic at University and we were recommended a book by Melvin Fitting which uses Prolog in various areas to demonstrate Automated Theorem Proving - the book is called “First-Order Logic and Automated Theorem Proving” for anyone interested.
Anyway, one of the excersises was to make a Tableau Prover which I implemented with the help of the book. Most the code is made up of the different clause expansions:
* Dual Clause Form Program
Propositional operators are: neg, and, or, imp, revimp,
uparrow, downarrow, notimp and notrevimp.
?-op(140, fy, neg).
?-op(160, xfy, [and, or, imp, revimp, uparrow, downarrow,
notimp, notrevimp]).
/* member(Item, List) :- Item occurs in List.
member(X, [X | _]).
member(X, [_ | Tail]) :- member(X, Tail).
/* remove(Item, List, Newlist) :-
Newlist is the result of removing all occurrences of
Item from List.
remove(_, [ ], [ ]).
remove(X, [X | Tail], Newtail) :-
remove(X, Tail, Newtail).
remove(X, [Head | Tail], [Head | Newtail]) :-
remove(X, Tail, Newtail).
/* conjunctive(X) :- X is an alpha formula.
conjunctive(_ and _).
conjunctive(neg(_ or _)).
conjunctive(neg(_ imp _)).
conjunctive(neg(_ revimp _)).
conjunctive(neg(_ uparrow _)).
conjunctive(_ downarrow _).
conjunctive(_ notimp _).
conjunctive(_ notrevimp _).
/* disjunctive(X) :- X is a beta formula.
disjunctive(neg(_ and _)).
disjunctive(_ or _).
disjunctive(_ imp _).
disjunctive(_ revimp _).
disjunctive(_ uparrow _).
disjunctive(neg(_ downarrow _)).
disjunctive(neg(_ notimp _)).
disjunctive(neg(_ notrevimp _)).
/* unary(X) :- X is a double negation,
or a negated constant.
unary(neg neg _).
unary(neg true).
unary(neg false).
/* components(X, Y, Z) :- Y and Z are the components
of the formula X, as defined in the alpha and
beta table.
components(X and Y, X, Y).
components(neg(X and Y), neg X, neg Y).
components(X or Y, X, Y).
components(neg(X or Y), neg X, neg Y).
components(X imp Y, neg X, Y).
components(neg(X imp Y), X, neg Y).
components(X revimp Y, X, neg Y).
components(neg(X revimp Y), neg X, Y).
components(X uparrow Y, neg X, neg Y).
components(neg(X uparrow Y), X, Y).
components(X downarrow Y, neg X, neg Y).
components(neg(X downarrow Y), X, Y).
components(X notimp Y, X, neg Y).
components(neg(X notimp Y), neg X, Y).
components(X notrevimp Y, neg X, Y).
components(neg(X notrevimp Y), X, neg Y).
/* component(X, Y) :- Y is the component of the
unary formula X.
component(neg neg X, X).
component(neg true, false).
component(neg false, true).
/* singlestep(Old, New) :- New is the result of applying
a single step of the expansion process to Old, which
is a generalized disjunction of generalized
singlestep([Conjunction | Rest], New) :-
member(Formula, Conjunction),
component(Formula, Newformula),
remove(Formula, Conjunction, Temporary),
Newconjunction = [Newformula | Temporary],
New = [Newconjunction | Rest].
singlestep([Conjunction | Rest], New) :-
member(Alpha, Conjunction),
components(Alpha, Alphaone, Alphatwo),
remove(Alpha, Conjunction, Temporary),
Newcon = [Alphaone, Alphatwo | Temporary],
New = [Newcon | Rest].
singlestep([Conjunction | Rest], New) :-
member(Beta, Conjunction),
components(Beta, Betaone, Betatwo),
remove(Beta, Conjunction, Temporary),
Newconone = [Betaone | Temporary],
Newcontwo = [Betatwo | Temporary],
New = [Newconone, Newcontwo | Rest].
singlestep([Conjunction|Rest], [Conjunction|Newrest]) :-
singlestep(Rest, Newrest).
/* expand(Old, New) :- New is the result of applying
singlestep as many times as possible, starting
with Old.
expand(Dis, Newdis) :-
singlestep(Dis, Temp),
expand(Temp, Newdis).
expand(Dis, Dis).
/* dualclauseform(X, Y) :- Y is the dual clause form of X.
/*dualclauseform(X, Y) :- expand([[X]], Y).*/
closed([Branch | Rest]) :-
member(false, Branch),
closed([Branch | Rest]) :-
member(X, Branch),
member(neg X, Branch),
closed([ ]).
if_then_else(P, Q, _) :- P, !, Q.
if_then_else(_, _, R) :- R.
test(X) :-
expand([[neg X]], Y),
if_then_else(closed(Y), yes, no).
yes :- write('Propositional tableau theorem'), nl.
no :- write('Not a propositional tableau theorem'), nl.
My question now is, how would I change this in order to make it a Resolution Prover - checking if a formula is a tautology and returning yes or no accordingly.
I’ve already began by altering the code so that it expands the given formula into CNF form:
singlestep([Conjunction | Rest], New) :-
member(Alpha, Conjunction),
components(Alpha, Alphaone, Alphatwo),
remove(Alpha, Conjunction, Temporary),
Newconone = [Alphaone | Temporary],
Newcontwo = [Alphatwo | Temporary],
New = [Newconone, Newcontwo | Rest].
singlestep([Conjunction | Rest], New) :-
member(Beta, Conjunction),
components(Beta, Betaone, Betatwo),
remove(Beta, Conjunction, Temporary),
Newcon = [Betaone, Betatwo | Temporary],
New = [Newcon | Rest].
Anyone know how I could go about completing the rest?