Hey guys, I posted a question here about a week ago on the same topic and I can appreciate the question was quite unspecific ( I had no clue what I was doing at the time ). But now I’ve come some way and need help with a problem which I hope more of you could help with.
I’m currently trying to implement an automated theorem prover in prolog and have stumbled across a problem.
If I have a list of lists such as: [[1,2],[-1,3],[4,5,7],[-2,4]]
How would I get the “set difference” of two compatible list items: What I mean by compatible is, if the negation of a certain number exists in another list, then replace those two lists with the set difference, ie: [1,2] and [-1,3] are compatible because -1 is present in the second clause and thus it should return the set difference of [2,3] and the new list should be [[2,3],[4,5,7],[-2,4]].
Currently I have this following step:
memberlist(X,[[_|T1]|T2]) :-
memberlist(X,[[]|T2]) :-
step([_|T]) :-
memberlist(neg X,T),
step([_|T]) :-
So it simply checks each list and checks if the negation of a variable exists and if it does simply write it out. I’ve already added code which deals with negative number - so neg X will match to -X (x being any integer).
I’m quite stuck at this point, and any help would be greatly appreciated.