After the recent change to support for user defined arithmetic functions, I’ve been experimenting with library(settings)
; the doc suggests that env
(arity 1 and 2) should evaluate to numeric values in arithmetic expressions, but I can’t make it work. A simple test module:
:- module(test_settings,[fsetting/2]).
:- use_module(library(settings)).
:- setting(version, atom, '1.0', 'Current version').
:- setting(timeout, number, 20, 'Timeout in seconds').
After loading:
?- list_settings.
Name Value (*=modified) Comment
test_settings:version '1.0' Current version
test_settings:timeout 20 Timeout in seconds
As I understand it env(timeout)
or possibly env(test_settings:timeout)
in an arithmetic expression should evaluate to 20, but I get nothing but errors. Looking at the code in library(settings)
and library(arithmetic)
probable causes are:
is not exported fromlibrary(settings)
. As I understand the recent change (9.1.22) tolibrary(arithmetic)
this is necessary to useenv
as a function outside the defining module.timeout
are not valid arguments to an arithmetic function as defined byarithmetic:math_goal_expansion
.- The implementation of
just callsgetenv
which expects ‘text
’ as a name. (My rudimentary understanding ofsettings
suggests some form of module qualification is necessary.)
I don’t consider this a big issue - I can find no examples of usage in the SWIP release, but I’d like to understand how one uses the current arithmetic
library for defining new arithmetic functions.