Sgml_parse "omitted" event flag seems to not work


mostly just wanted to report my observation:

it seems to me that sgml_parse wrongly flags end tags as explicit because it releases a warning for them same ones being omitted at the same time. I can surely workaround with handling the warnings, although not exactly easily. My example code, listed below, performs as attached below, on the file yet below:


:- initialization(main, main).

main([Filename]) :-
    open(Filename, read, In),
    new_sgml_parser(Parser, []),
    set_sgml_parser(Parser, file(Filename)),
    set_sgml_parser(Parser, doctype(html)),
	       [ source(In),
		 call(error, print_error),
		 call(end, print_term)

print_error(error, 'DTD "netscape-bookmark-file-1" does not exist',
	    _) :- !, true.
print_error(A, B, _) :- writeln([A, B]).

print_term(A, Parser) :-
    ( get_sgml_parser(Parser, event_class(Class)) ->
      writeln([Class, ' actually: ', A])
      writeln(['no class: ', A]) ).


[explicit, actually: ,title]
[explicit, actually: ,h1]
[explicit, actually: ,h3]
[explicit, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[explicit, actually: ,dl]
[explicit, actually: ,h3]
[explicit, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[explicit, actually: ,dl]
[explicit, actually: ,h3]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,a]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[explicit, actually: ,dl]
[explicit, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[explicit, actually: ,dt]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "dt"]
[explicit, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[explicit, actually: ,dl]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "p"]
[omitted, actually: ,p]
[warning,Inserted omitted end-tag for "meta"]
[explicit, actually: ,meta]

input file:

<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
<!-- This is an automatically generated file.
     It will be read and overwritten.
     DO NOT EDIT! -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <DT><H3>Pasek zakładek</H3>
    <DT><H3>Menu zakładek</H3>
    <DT><H3>Nieposortowane zakładki</H3>
        <DT><A HREF="http">Stories: Halloween Memo w/o Raymond</A>
        <DT><A HREF="https">The decommoditization of protocols</A>
        <DT><A HREF="https">The Monospace Web</A>
        <DT><A HREF="https">Ask Ubuntu</A>
        <DT><A HREF="https">rums</A>
        <DT><A HREF="https">Wiki</A>
        <DT><A HREF="https">Task::Kensho</A>
        <DT><A HREF="https">Stack Overflow</A>

(it’s end of file here. Just one of them browsers’ netscape-bookmarks html exports, Falkon browser in this case.)

P.S. Sorry for shadowing print_term/2, it was a draft

Hard to say. If I load the file in PceEmacs in html mode, it is quite unhappy about it.

This fancy stuff about event classes has mostly be added to support the HTML mode. Otherwise, I’m afraid I refer to the C source …