Strange output in console during trace regarding cached items?

In playing with list_debug_topics/0 a little more I halted my top level, then restarted it and did list_debug_topics/0 again.

?- list_debug_topics.
Debug Topic               Activated To
setting                       false []
listing(source)               false []
read                          false []
clause_info                   false []
backtrace                     false []

Is seems that as other code is consulted more topics can be added to the list. So if you don’t get the same list as I have listed, don’t be surprised.

In this next example I consulted the code from

?- list_debug_topics.
Debug Topic               Activated To
setting                       false []
listing(source)               false []
read                          false []
clause_info                   false []
backtrace                     false []
socket(proxy)                 false []
thread_pool(state)            false []
thread_pool(current)          false []
thread_pool                   false []
html(mailman)                 false []
http(header)                  false []
http(request)                 false []
obsolete                      false []
cookie                        false []
http(hook)                    false []
http(transfer_encoding)       false []
http(cgi)                     false []
http_path                     false []
http(connection)              false []
http(worker)                  false []
http(keep_alive)              false []
http(server)                  false []
http(spawn)                   false []
http(error)                    true [user_error]
http(proxy)                   false []
http(send_request)            false []
http(redirect)                false []
http(open)                    false []
http(_498)                    false []
multipart(content)            false []
multipart(bom)                false []
post_request                  false []
post                          false []

For some real working of examples using this see package HTTP

GitHub query

or see the file

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