SWI-Prolog in the browser using WASM - Reply 1

| j4n_bur53
August 5 |

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For anyone finding this project interesting, we kindly ask everyone to try and explore our system, file issue reports, contribute, and of course star our repository :wink:.

BTW, this reminds me that it is really a pity that we do not have a common Prolog forum to discuss, like in the old days. Newsgroups do not work, and a “single system” discourse group is not a solution.

A few minutes ago, when starting to make visible some limitations,
everything diverted in a blink from “hello community” to “bilateralism”.

Blocking operations in the WASM version (JavaScript expertise needed)

I’m happy to have a discussion on exchanging code and ideas between our projects. I think a telco is a better medium for that than here. Just drop me a personal message

Anyway, I have an admin questions, so playground
tickets don’t go into the Ciao Playground repo but into the Ciao repo?

I moved the ticket to the main Ciao repo. It is easier for us.