SWI-Prolog sCASP -- replicating Event Calculus examples

I have been experimenting with the sCASP system – in particular trying to reproduce results from:

Joaquın Arias, Manuel Carro, Zhuo Chen, Gopal Gupta
Modeling and Reasoning in Event Calculus using Goal-Directed Constraint Answer Set Programming
(accessed from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.14566.pdf)

sCASP is extremely impressive and I look forward to applying it to real-world domains.

I have tried both the stable (9.0.4) and development (9.1.6) versions of SWI-Prolog and in both, using sCASP (version: 0.9.0), I get the same results.

For the simple light problem in figure 4 of the paper my code is:

/* bec_fig_04_light.pl  

Steve Moyle 2023

Experiments with the Event Calculus using sCASP on SWI-Prolog version 9.0.4.

Attempting to reproduce results from:
  Joaquın Arias, Manuel Carro, Zhuo Chen, Gopal Gupta
      Modeling and Reasoning in Event Calculus using Goal-Directed Constraint Answer Set Programming 
      (accessed from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.14566.pdf)

:- use_module(library(scasp)).


:- discontiguous holdsAt/2.
:- discontiguous '-holdsAt'/2.

% BEC1 - StoppedIn(t1,f,t2)
stoppedIn(T1, Fluent, T2) :-
    T1 #< T, T #< T2,
    terminates(Event, Fluent, T),
    happens(Event, T).

stoppedIn(T1, Fluent, T2) :-
    T1 #< T, T #< T2,
    releases(Event, Fluent, T),
    happens(Event, T).

% BEC2 - StartedIn(t1,f,t2)
startedIn(T1, Fluent, T2) :-
    T1 #< T, T #< T2,
    initiates(Event, Fluent, T),
    happens(Event, T).

startedIn(T1, Fluent, T2) :-
    T1 #< T, T #< T2,
    releases(Event, Fluent, T),
    happens(Event, T).

% BEC3 - HoldsAt(f,t)
holdsAt(Fluent2, T2) :-
    initiates(Event, Fluent1, T1),
    happens(Event, T1),
    trajectory(Fluent1, T1, Fluent2, T2),
    not stoppedIn(T1, Fluent1, T2).
% BEC4 - HoldsAt(f,t)
holdsAt(Fluent, T) :-
    0 #< T,
    not stoppedIn(0, Fluent, T).

% BEC5 - not HoldsAt(f,t)
-holdsAt(Fluent, T) :-
    0 #< T,
    not startedIn(0, Fluent, T).

% BEC6 - HoldsAt(f,t)
holdsAt(Fluent, T2) :-
    T1 #< T2,
    initiates(Event, Fluent, T1),
    happens(Event, T1),
    not stoppedIn(T1, Fluent, T2).

% BEC7 - not HoldsAt(f,t)
-holdsAt(Fluent, T2) :-
    T1 #< T2,
    terminates(Event, Fluent, T1),
    happens(Event, T1),
    not startedIn(T1, Fluent, T2).

% End of BEC

% Encoding of Event Calculus narrative from Figure 4 from in paper (page 19)

% Actions
happens(turn_on, 2).
happens(turn_off, 4).
happens(turn_on, 5).

initiates(turn_on, on, _T).

terminates(turn_off, on, _T).
terminates(turn_off, red, _T).
terminates(turn_off, green, _T).

trajectory(on, T1, red, T2) :- 
    T2 #>= T1, 
    T2#<T1 + 1.

trajectory(on, T1, green, T2) :- 
    T2 #>= T1 + 1.

releases(turn_on, red, _T).
releases(turn_on, green, _T).

/* End of bec_fig_04_light.pl  */

I get matching answers to the paper for:

?- ? holdsAt(on, 3).

Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyN'/1' does not exist
Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyP'/1' does not exist

But for

?- ? -holdsAt(on, 4.5).

Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyN'/1' does not exist
Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyP'/1' does not exist
ERROR: Type error: `rational' expected, found `4.5' (a float)

In the paper (page 23) the query should succeed. The paper has a footnote (7, page 23) that states that 4.5 is automatically converted to a rational so the constraint solver can deal with it.

?- ? holdsAt(F, 3).

Works as expected from the paper.

Note that a positive literal query with a float works as expected (NB: this is not from the paper).

? holdsAt(on, 4.5).

Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyN'/1' does not exist
Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyP'/1' does not exist

The paper contains a second Event Calculus example using the same Basic Event Calculus (BEC) framework. In the following code I have removed the BEC from the top (it is the same as the first code above).

% Fig. 5: Encoding of an Event Calculus narrative with continuous change

:- discontiguous happens/2.
:- discontiguous initiates/3.
:- discontiguous terminates/3.

max_level(10) :- not max_level(16).
max_level(16) :- not max_level(10).



    holdsAt(level(Max), T).

    T1 #< T2, 
    X2 #= X + 4/3*(T2-T1),
    X2 #=< Max,
    T1 #< T2,
    X2 #= X + 4/3*(T2-T1),
    X2 #> Max,

    holdsAt(filling, T2),
    T1 #< T2,
    X #= 4/3*(T2-T1).

Replicating queries from section 4.1 Deduction (Page 23 of the paper)

?- ? holdsAt(level(H),15/2).
Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyN'/1' does not exist
H = 10r3,

Works as expected, whilst the following does not.

?- ? holdsAt(level(10/3),T).
Warning: scasp_predicate `'user:initiallyN'/1' does not exist
ERROR: Type error: `rational' expected, found `10/3' (a compound)

In the paper (page 23), T=15/2.

Question: What is it about floats/rationals and or positive or negative queries that is causing my issues?

Overall, I remain super impressed with sCASP and am excited about its development.

Best wishes,


PS: I can provide stack traces if this cannot be easily reproduced.