Hi, I am almost done with the basics of my AST, I have implemented the general recurisiveness of the source orm and three of the 84 reserved words!
I am wondering of term_expansion/2 et al. can be of some assistance in cutting down the boiler plate, making things easier to read and reason about.
My basic n00b question is this: what is the advantage of using term_expansion of just calling a subroutine predicate apart from the simple fact that term_expansion is compile time and subroutines are run time.
Is that the only benefit really?
I have read all of the posts on this forum, created some simple expansions of my own with debug statements and mostly it works but sometimes I get odd errors:
term_expansion(X, Out) :-
( functor(X, foo, 2)
% it's a foo, let's muck about with it
-> debug(eric, 'fiddle: ~p~n',[X]),
Out = (
foo(X,Y) :-
Y is X+1,
format('adding ~p and 1 is ~p',[X,Y])
%% Leave it alone
; Out = X
% ?- foo(10,Out).
% ?- listing(foo).
% ?- debug(eric).
at the emacs prolog session I get this message:
| % fiddle: foo(_6044,_6046)
ERROR: /tmp/prolcomp6531Hph.pl:28:
Arithmetic: `foo(_6568,_6590)' is not a function
I can see my debug statement but right now I am floundering due to a complete lack of knowledge! I made the vars anonymous because otherwise it was complaining about singleton variables.