Terminology for A-B-C

See: SWI-Prolog Glossary

Prolog has Structure or Compound, e.g. a(1,2,3)
Some will call this a tuple, (1,2,3)

What would this be called 1-2-3, or A-B-C?

This came about in writing some test cases for bagof/3 and order_by/2.


After reading this StackOverflow answer by Paulo Moura it is a compound with functor - and arity 2. The arity 2 seems wrong. :thinking:

?- functor(A-B-C,Functor,Arity).
Functor =  (-),
Arity = 2.

?- functor(1-2-3,Functor,Arity).
Functor =  (-),
Arity = 2.

?- functor((1,2,3),Functor,Arity).
Functor =  (','),
Arity = 2.

?- functor([1,2,3],Functor,Arity).
Functor = '[|]',
Arity = 2.

?- functor(group(1,2,3),Functor,Arity).
Functor = group,
Arity = 3.

?- functor(group(1|2|3),Functor,Arity).
Functor = group,
Arity = 1.

?- functor(group(1-2-3),Functor,Arity).
Functor = group,
Arity = 1.
?- write_canonical((1,2,3)).

?- write_canonical((1-2-3)).

?- write_canonical([1,2,3]).

?- write_canonical((1|2|3)).

?- write_canonical(group(1,2,3)).

?- write_canonical(group(1-2-3)).

?- write_canonical(group(1|2,3)).
?- current_op(Priority,Type,'|').
Priority = 1105,
Type = xfy.

?- current_op(Priority,Type,,).
Priority = 1000,
Type = xfy.

?- current_op(Priority,Type,-).
Priority = 200,
Type = fy ;
Priority = 500,
Type = yfx.


Jan B. had the answer to The arity 2 seems wrong. :thinking:, but then erased it.

?- functor(a-b-c-d-e,Functor,Arity).
Functor =  (-),
Arity = 2.

?- write_canonical(a-b-c-d-e).

TL;DR: Python has tuples, Prolog does not. Use a list like [a, b, c] (nested term, uses up more space, accessing arbitrary element means traversal); or use a named compound term like:

'What should I call it? Choices, choices...'(a, b, c)

You have to use arg/3 to get to an element. The third (better for some use cases?) option is dicts: you don’t have to name the structure, you can name the arguments, and arbitrary access does not traverse.

EDIT: well, there is also library(record) which I guess was superseded by dicts for most use cases, but it is still there and I guess it fills a niche?

Many languages have tuples of some sort. Python has (1, 2) which is a pair and (1, 2, 3) which is a triple and so on. My memories are vague but certainly Haskell has something of that kind too, as well as many other languages. Notably, C does not have that: you either have to use a struct or an array.

A “tuple” like that is:

  1. “anonymous” and
  2. “flat”.

“Anonymous” means it is only structure, it doesn’t need a name and it doesn’t need to be declared in any way. “Flat” means that its elements can be addressed as if it was an array, using indices. So this is (if I remember correctly) perfectly good Python and it should give you b:

>>> ('a', 'b', 'c')[1]

This has interesting side effects. One is that you will see a lot of code (on Stackoverflow…) which looks like:

[(1, 2), (3, 4), ...] % look, a list of pairs!

or maybe

X = (1, 2, 3) % I made a tuple with three elements!

Another side effect is that since a-b is a “pair”, it logically follows that a-b-c is a flat triple. Well, it isn’t :slight_smile:

Thank you for the nice overview. When I was still very green when it came to Prolog I dared to suggest (not sure where, a mailing list or maybe some Stackoverflow QA?) that a Prolog list might be implemented as the implementation wishes. I thought that the interface with List = [Head|Tail] and difference lists and so on does not prohibit that.

Well, I was chastised for even suggesting it :slight_smile:

We are drifting quite far off topic, but anyway…

Why would you need two different kinds of lists and multiple dispatch for that? To me it seems that you need a unification algorithm that somehow handles lists as if they were the usual nested structure with [] and .(Head, Tail).

The “somehow” above is of course the difficult part. But is it impossible?

From my narrow angle, it seems like it is not impossible to do it, as long as the list is not “transparent” (so you cannot directly work with the nested term, you can only access it through the square brackets/comma/pipe).

But I cannot at all judge whether this is at all a good idea and what it mean in practice to implement it, or why should anyone bother.

If you’re playing around with list representations:


Also, Python has done a lot of work on improving hash tables (which they call “dicts”) and to a lesser degree arrays, because they’re so core to the implementation (basically, Python is hash-tables-all-the-way-down with syntactic sugar).

I’ve seen people represent “anonymous” tuples like this: '.'(A,B,C) or ''(A,B,C).

?- X = ''(a,b,c), arg(2, X, Z), X = ''(A,_,_).
X = ''(a, b, c),
Z = b,
A = a.

I don’t particularly like dicts with an uninstantiated variable for the tag, so I sometimes do this when I can’t think of a good name for an “anonymous” dict: ''{a:1, b:2}.
Note that {a:1,b:2} might not be what you expect:

?- format('~k~n', [{a:1,b:2}]).

?- functor({a:1,b:2}, A,B).
A = {},
B = 1.

?- {a:1,b:2} =.. F, format('~k~n', [F]).
F = [{},  (a:1, b:2)].

?- format('~k~n', [(a,b,c)]).