Test case generation

I come here because I have the intuition that constrain logic programming could help to design testcases.
Right now i am looking at different languages Prolog is one of them.
And i am curious about all kind resources and directions where to find information or discuss such a topic.

The idea I have is that one could derive from the requirements that describe a software constraints and facts that should be tested.

an example would be
input is uint8
output is uint8
requirements describe how the state should be:
A: input <= 50 and output == 1
B: 100 < input <= 200 and output == 2

one could derive from this that

A: input 0…50 and output == 1
not-A: input 51…255 and output != 1
B: input 101…200 and output == 2
not-B: input 0…100, 201…255 and output != 2

It would be interesting to have a program that also identifies that one doesn’t have to test not-A and not-B separately
not-AB: input 51…100, 201…255 and output != 2 and output != 1

I am wondering what kind of program am i trying to write?
What are the terms i should search for?

I have no direct literature references. Did you try “Prolog software testing” or something similar? Using Prolog for test generation is not uncommon. Its concise description of the expected input-output relation makes it suitable for acting as “wizard” and its non-determinism allows for generating multiple test cases.