`tmp_file_stream/3` is easy to use

I have made a first success in my life to use tmp_file_stream/3.
In fact, I failed to use tmp_file/2 some time long ago due to some reason on my side.

From now on, it is not necessary to worry about working directories for putting temporary files.

Thanks SWI-Prolog.

%!	show_cla(+Cla) is det.
%	View classification Cla in graphics using dot.

% ?- show_cla(cla([a,b],[1,2], [1-[a], 2-[b]])).
% ?- show_cla(cla([a,b],[1,2], [1-[a,b], 2-[b]])).
% ?- show_cla(cla([1],[a], [a-[1]])).
% ?- show_cla(cla([1,2],[a], [a-[1,2]])).

show_cla(Cla):- cla_to_dot(Cla, DotStr),
	T = pdf,
	tmp_file_stream(DOT, F0, [encoding(utf8), extension(dot)]),
	tmp_file_stream(PDF, F1, [encoding(utf8), extension(pdf)]),
	file(DOT, write, write(DotStr)),
	pshell(dot(-'T'(T), -o(PDF), DOT); open(PDF)).

% old_show_cla(Cla):- cla_to_dot(Cla, DotStr),
% 	T = pdf,
% 	expand_file_name("~/tmp/TEMP.dot", [DOT]),
% 	expand_file_name("~/tmp/TEMP.pdf", [PDF]),
% 	file(DOT, write, write(DotStr)),
% 	pshell(dot(-'T'(T), -o(PDF), DOT); open(PDF)).
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