Type safe load for persistency

I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 9.2.6

I want the code to: load a persistency db type-safely

But what I’m getting is: errors when \u2436 characters are met

My code looks like this:



:- module(text_content_db,
          [ attach_text_content_db/1,           % +File
            get_text_content/3,        % ?User, ?Role
            assert_text_content/3                 % +User, +Role
:- use_module(library(persistency)).

:- persistent
        text_content(keyword:string, sitefrom:atom, texts:list(string)).

attach_text_content_db(File) :-
        db_attach(File, []).

%%      current_rel(+Name, -Role) is semidet.

get_text_content(Key,SiteFrom,Texts) :-
        with_mutex(tc_db, text_content(Key,SiteFrom,Texts)).

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I never did :sweat_smile:

There you go. Loss presupposes the value of what one is losing…if there’s no value there’s no loss

I was wrong in many respects…but please don’t turn the knife in the wound