I’m getting ERROR: Unknown procedure: '__aux_maplist/3_=+0'/2
when a file contains a consult
and I reload it with make
Windows 10 x64, SWI-Prolog version (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.2.4)
:- consult(f2).
a :- maplist(=, [], []).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
File → Consult → f1.pl
% library(apply) compiled into apply 0.02 sec, 75 clauses
% library(apply_macros) compiled into apply_macros 0.00 sec, 53 clauses
% library(assoc) compiled into assoc 0.00 sec, 98 clauses
% library(error) compiled into error 0.00 sec, 89 clauses
% library(pairs) compiled into pairs 0.00 sec, 21 clauses
% library(clpfd) compiled into clpfd 0.09 sec, 1,319 clauses
% f2 compiled 0.09 sec, 1 clauses
% [path elided]/f1.pl compiled 0.09 sec, 4 clauses
Append b(b).
to f1.pl.
?- make.
% f2 compiled 0.02 sec, 0 clauses
% [path elided]/f1 compiled 0.02 sec, -1 clauses
Warning: The predicates below are not defined. If these are defined
Warning: at runtime using assert/1, use :- dynamic Name/Arity.
Warning: '__aux_maplist/3_=+0'/2, which is referenced by
Warning: [path elided]/f1.pl:2:5: 1-st clause of a/0
?- b(A).
A = b.
?- a.
ERROR: Unknown procedure: '__aux_maplist/3_=+0'/2
ERROR: [11] '__aux_maplist/3_=+0'([],[])
ERROR: [10] a at [path elided]/f1.pl:2
ERROR: [9] <user>
Exception: (11) '__aux_maplist/3_=+0'([], []) ? abort
% Execution Aborted