Use portray with max_depth(0)?

I made some custom output of dictionaries with portray. The problem now, If I use it with the command


my custom portray predicate is no longer used. How can I solve that problem?

Here is some simple example code to illustrate this:

% Prints dictionary varlues in a way, every value is on a seperate line in the terminal.
portray(Term) :-
    dict_pairs(Term, Tag, Pairs),
    writef("%p{\n", [Tag]),
    foreach(member(Key-Value, Pairs), writef("\t%p: %p\n\n", [Key, Value])),

% Converts some string into some dictionary.  
alphabeth(ABC, IndexList, Dict) :-
	string_length(ABC, N), numlist(1, N, IndexList), 
	string_chars(ABC, V), 
	pairs_keys_values(KV, IndexList, V),
	dict_pairs(Dict, alphabeth, KV).

go(I, D) :- 	
	alphabeth("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", I, D).

If I now call:

?- go(I, D).
I = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26],
D = alphabeth{1:a,2:b,3:c,4:d,5:e,6:f,7:g,8:h,9:i,10:j,11:k,12:l,13:m,14:n,15:o,16:p,17:q,18:r,19:s,20:t,21:u,22:v,23:w,24:x,25:y,26:z}.

The index list I is shown without dots. The problem here, the dictionary output is not the one I would expect because of my portray predicate.

If I call the following instead:

?- alphabeth("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", I, D).
I = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9|...],
D = alphabeth{
	1: a

	2: b

	3: c

	4: d

	5: e

	6: f

	7: g

	8: h

	9: i

	10: j

	11: k

	12: l

	13: m

	14: n

	15: o

	16: p

	17: q

	18: r

	19: s

	20: t

	21: u

	22: v

	23: w

	24: x

	25: y

	26: z


The dictionary itself is illustrated fine. But the list is shown limited. What could be the problem here?

When marking up code please use ``` as bookends instead of quoting. Quoting will change the indenting of the code and make it harder to read. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for tip and doing that