In reading the source code for libary(ugraph), top_sort/2 found the variable name neib
and thought it might be German for edge
but Google translate does not translate neib
to edge
Anyone know where neib
comes from?
count_edges([], _, Counts, Counts) :- !.
count_edges([_-Neibs|Graph], Vertices, Counts0, Counts2) :-
incr_list(Neibs, Vertices, Counts0, Counts1),
count_edges(Graph, Vertices, Counts1, Counts2).
incr_list([], _, Counts, Counts) :- !.
incr_list([V1|Neibs], [V2|Vertices], [M|Counts0], [N|Counts1]) :-
V1 == V2,
N is M+1,
incr_list(Neibs, Vertices, Counts0, Counts1).
incr_list(Neibs, [_|Vertices], [N|Counts0], [N|Counts1]) :-
incr_list(Neibs, Vertices, Counts0, Counts1).