Another day, another question!
The book I’m reading gave an exercise to write a predicate dividelist(L1, L2, L3)
so that L2
and L3
are the contents of L1
divided, eg dividelist([1,2,3,4,5], [1,3,5], [2,4]).
would be true
My attempt at this wasn’t very elegant, and didn’t work (see below). The author gave a very neat piece of code that does work, which I understand, but I’m interested to know where I went wrong.
My initial thought was to use an auxiliary predicate that has a fourth parameter that indicates if we are to add the head of the first list to the second or third list. I would then have two versions of the auxiliary predicate, one for when the fourth parameter were true
and one for when it were false
. This led to the following (rather convoluted) code…
dividelist(List, Part1, Part2) :-
dividelist_(List, Part1, Part2, true).
dividelist_([], _, _, _).
dividelist_([H|T], Part1, Part2, true) :-
dividelist_(T, [H|Part1], Part2, false).
dividelist_([H|T], Part1, Part2, false) :-
dividelist_(T, Part1, [H|Part2], true).
However, this always returns true
, even if the parameters don’t match. So the following all return true
dividelist([1,2], L1, L2).
dividelist([1,2,3,4], L1, L2).
dividelist([1,2], [], []).
dividelist([1,2,3,4], [1,2], [3,4]).
% etc...
More to the point, I never get the variables bound, I just get true
Anyone able to explain why this code doesn’t bind the variables?