Wiki Discussion: SWI-Prolog in the browser using WASM

Yes, works now (and beats Ciao Playground, since it has abort):

?- time(fib(25,X)).
ERROR: Execution Aborted
% 94,176 inferences, 1.608 CPU in 1.608 seconds (100% CPU, 58567 Lips)
?- time(fib(25,X)).
% 489,517 inferences, 11.648 CPU in 11.648 seconds (100% CPU, 42026 Lips)
X = 121393.

Cool! Do you see some overhead by auto-yielding?
Whats the auto-yielding rate? (in Dogelog I try to reach 60Hz)
In normal SWI-Prolog its much much faster:

?- time(fib(25,X)).
% 485,570 inferences, 0.031 CPU in 0.036 seconds (87% CPU, 15538240 Lips)
X = 121393.

Maybe you do over auto-yielding? Or whats the issue? Or maybe
memory shortage in WASM? 42026 LIPS is very poor, could be
result of an expensive auto-yielding or some other issue.

For reproduction of the result, I used this code:

fib(0,1) :- !.
fib(1,1) :- !.
fib(N,X) :- N>1, M is N-1, fib(M,Y), L is M-1, fib(L,Z), X is Y+Z.