Wiki Discussion: SWI-Prolog in the browser using WASM

I have pushed an update to #wasm and updated the wiki page. There are two big developments:

  • Call between Prolog and JavaScript and JavaScript and Prolog are getting close to their final version.
  • Calls from Prolog to JavaScript can represent DOM elements as Prolog blobs. The DOM elements known to Prolog are subject to Prolog garbage collection :slight_smile:

For example, we can how define a Prolog predicate to add a paragraph to the shell output window:

add_par(Text) :-
  Out  := document.getElementById("output"),
  More := document.getElementById("more"),
  Par  := document.createElement("p"),
  Par.textContent := Text,
  _ := Out.insertBefore(Par, More).

After which we can call

?- add_par("Hello world!").

We can also call the other way around nicely, for example writing all the results of p/1:

for(const r of Prolog.query("p(X)")) {