I let ChatGPT loose on this, here is what I tried.
Note: The reason the code is in a hidden section is because search engines will not index the content in a hidden section. As I have not tested this code don’t want it to be part of a training set.
(Click triangle to expand)
ChatGPT August 3 Version
SWI-Prolog can call Python using the Janus library, here are some examples
% call a built-in
?- py_call(print("Hello World!\n")).
% call function in a module
?- py_call(sys:getsizeof([1,2,3]), Size).
Size = 80.
% call function on an attribute of a module
?- py_call(sys:path:append("/home/bob/janus")).
% get attribute from a module
?- py_call(sys:path, Path)
Path = ["dir1", "dir2", ...]
Create SWI-Prolog code for the following MIDI commands using the Janus library
* Note On
* Note Off
* Program Change
* Control Change messages
Janus is a Prolog interface to various scripting languages, including Python. To use the Janus library to send MIDI commands, you’ll need to have both SWI-Prolog and Janus installed, as well as a Python MIDI library like mido
to interact with MIDI devices.
Here’s how you could create SWI-Prolog code using the Janus library to send MIDI commands using the mido
Python library:
:- use_module(library(janus)).
:- use_module(library(mido)).
% Load the Janus Python module
?- py_load_module('mido', [send/1, open_output/2]).
% Open a MIDI output port
open_midi_port(Port) :-
py_call(mido:open_output, [Port, []]).
% Send a Note On MIDI command
note_on(Port, Note, Velocity) :-
py_call(mido:send, [Port, 'note_on', note=Note, velocity=Velocity]).
% Send a Note Off MIDI command
note_off(Port, Note) :-
py_call(mido:send, [Port, 'note_off', note=Note, velocity=0]).
% Send a Program Change MIDI command
program_change(Port, Program) :-
py_call(mido:send, [Port, 'program_change', program=Program]).
% Send a Control Change MIDI command
control_change(Port, Control, Value) :-
py_call(mido:send, [Port, 'control_change', control=Control, value=Value]).
% Close the MIDI port
close_midi_port(Port) :-
% Example usage
:- open_midi_port(Port),
note_on(Port, 60, 100), % Note On (MIDI note 60, velocity 100)
sleep(1), % Wait for a second
note_off(Port, 60), % Note Off (MIDI note 60)
program_change(Port, 10), % Program Change (select program 10)
control_change(Port, 7, 100), % Control Change (controller 7, value 100)
sleep(1), % Wait for a second
In this code, you first load the mido
Python module using py_load_module/2
. Then, you define Prolog predicates for sending different MIDI commands using the mido
library’s functions. The example usage demonstrates how to open a MIDI port, send various MIDI commands, and close the MIDI port when done.
Remember that you need to have both SWI-Prolog and the mido
Python library installed for this code to work. Additionally, you might need to adjust the MIDI port name or other parameters to match your MIDI setup.
The SWI-Prolog Janus library
Checked that the Python MIDI library exist
I guess one could test this without a MIDI device using the computer to simulate a MIDI device but I have not used MIDI in decades.
Curious to know how close the code is to working.