I noticed that one of the tests fails on a standard Windows installation of SWI-prolog. The relevant code is copied below from pl-test.pl, with a few modifications in the attempt to debug it. The file is empty, no hello world in it.
Minor: The original code may cause unwanted backtracking if A == Text fails.
popen(cat-1) :-
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> Cmd = 'cmd /c type con' % "type con" is cmd-speak for "cat /dev/stdin"
; Cmd = cat
current_prolog_flag(pid, Pid),
format(atom(File), 'pltest-~w.txt', [Pid]),
Text = 'Hello World',
atomic_list_concat([Cmd, ' > ', File], Command),
atom_string(Command, CommandStr),
writeln("opening file"),
open(pipe(CommandStr), write, Fd),
writeln(Fd, Text), % nothing is written here
writeln("file has been written":File),
writeln("opening file for reading":File),
open(File, read, Fd2),
collect_data(Fd2, String),
writeln("file has been read"),
% delete_file(File),
atom_codes(A, String),
% A == Text,
collect_data(Fd, String) :-
get0(Fd, C0),
collect_data(C0, Fd, String).
collect_data(-1, _, []) :- !.
collect_data(C, Fd, [C|T]) :-
get0(Fd, C2),
collect_data(C2, Fd, T).