Writeln('abc') fails, after consult - Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.3.21)


After consulting my code, I suddenly have an odd error, a call to writeln/1 fails in my code and on the command line.

Before consulting writeln/1 works fine.

I tried to see if i somehow redefined writeln – although, i don’t recall having done that – and indeed i can’t find any redefined code – also when trying to retrieve writeln via clause/2 – clause fails.

Is this a known issue?

Right now, my work around is to exchange writelns with format or perhaps print …

clause/2 on writeln/1 is supposed to generate a permission error. It failing probably means you defined it. Possibly as dynamic or multifile? Try check/0 or predicate_property/2. Of course, a git grep -w writeln can help as well :slight_smile:

yea, i tried that – requires eye-balling (unfortunately) many entries – will do it again – until i find the culpit :slight_smile:

ahh - i found it – its a comma turned dot, in the body of a clause – causing a standalone writeln :slight_smile: