Good day everyone,
I want to control the visibility of certain XPCE elements (like labels, buttons, or whole dialog groups), e.g. I am looking for something like:
send(element, visibility, false),
I would also greatly appreciate a hint on how I can find information like this myself. I am aware that there are several tools provided by XPCE. I tried searching with the search tool and the class browser for key words like “hide” or “visible” to get a direction, however this did not seem expedient. Perhaps I had the wrong idea using them?
I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 8.4.3 and my code with example elements looks like this:
test1:-new(D,dialog('Delete & replace text in Word-2007-file')),
new(grp, dialog_group('')),
% Label
send(grp, append, label(label1_wo2,'Either: Select ''Master''-word-2007-file for delete/replace/expand text'),below),
% Button
send(grp, append, button( '->', message( @prolog, wo2_chooseFile))),
send(D, append, grp, below),
Thanks a lot to everyone reading this!
Best regards,