Thanks Mgondan1,
I did install it the other day, and looked up all the DLLs. None of them are obviously the one we would use for external access.
7/28/2021 13:23 <DIR> .
7/28/2021 13:23 <DIR> ..
1/27/2021 3:51 35,328 archive4pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 35,840 bdb4pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 25,088 cgi.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 30,720 crypt.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 45,056 crypto4pl.dll
7/28/2021 13:23 0 dlls.txt
1/27/2021 3:51 30,720 double_metaphone.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 24,064 files.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 40,960 hashstream.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 34,816 http_stream.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 35,328 inclpr.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 18,432 isub.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 65,536 jpl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 18,944 json.dll
7/01/2020 5:22 1,150,611 libarchive-13.dll
7/25/2019 22:44 2,422,326 libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
7/01/2020 5:25 2,041,497 libdb-6.1.dll
8/27/2019 13:53 1,067,151 libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
7/25/2019 22:17 473,601 libgmp-10.dll
7/25/2019 22:24 650,036 libjpeg-62.dll
7/25/2019 22:31 285,514 libpcre-1.dll
7/25/2019 22:44 435,286 libssl-1_1-x64.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 1,496,064 libswipl.dll
7/25/2019 22:45 67,931 libwinpthread-1.dll
7/01/2020 5:20 592,715 libyaml-0-2.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 20,480 md54pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 33,280 memfile.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 26,112 ntriples.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 63,488 odbc4pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 29,184 pcre4pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 19,456 pdt_console.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 2,060,800 pl2xpce.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 25,088 plregtry.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 61,440 plterm.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 26,624 porter_stem.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 34,304 process.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 18,944 prolog_stream.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 18,432 protobufs.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 200,704 rdf_db.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 17,408 readutil.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 193,536 sgml2pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 43,008 sha4pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 150,016 snowball.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 41,984 socket.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 70,656 ssl4pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 20,480 streaminfo.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 60,928 table.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 44,032 tex.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 30,720 time.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 59,392 turtle.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 547,328 unicode4pl.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 31,232 uri.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 52,224 uuid.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 25,088 websocket.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 31,744 yaml4pl.dll
8/05/2019 19:23 95,536 zlib1.dll
1/27/2021 3:51 22,528 zlib4pl.dll
15,299,740 bytes in 57 files and 2 dirs 15,400,960 bytes allocated
69,986,783,232 bytes free