Are there any Swi-Prolog COM or ActiveX components?

libswipl.dll is the dll you’re looking for.

A very simple hello world in c++ („member.cpp“)

#include "SWI-cpp.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
PlEngine e(argc, argv) ;
PlTermv args(2) ; // Prepare for member/2
args[0] = PlTerm(1.0) ; // first argument to member below
// args[1] is a variable
PlQuery q("member", args) ; // member(1, X)
q.next_solution() ; // now args[1] has [1 | _]
std::cout << (char*) args[1] << std::endl ;
q.next_solution() ; // now args[1] has [_, 1 | _]
std::cout << (char*) args[1] << std::endl ;

Compile with swipl-ld -o member member.cpp

As far as I understand, swipl-ld adds a few compiler switches,
-fPIC -D_REENTRANT -D__SWI_PROLOG__ -D__SWI_EMBEDDED__ -mtune=generic,
as well as a few linker flags,
-lswipl -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions.
All this applies for gcc, unsure how it is in other systems.

Note that you can build SWI-Prolog yourself under MSYS2/gcc, see here:

See also the manual: