Auto-generated Prolog from Excel-based Logic

I wanted to point out an opportunity to the SWI Prolog community. The Object Management Group (OMG) is finalizing the Standard Business Report Model (SBRM). As part of that process, I created two examples of logical representations expressed using SWI Prolog, thank you to those in this group that helped me do that.

I would be very interested in having a more robust ability to convert any logical representation into the SWI Prolog syntax. I already have the capability to output the XBRL technical syntax, I am very familiar with that syntax. But, XBRL has some expressive limitations and tools have processing limitations. SWI Prolog might be able to do better.

Here is a simple, but sophisticated, example of the type of information one would convert from Excel or CSV to SWI Prolog:

If there is anyone interested in this, please contact me.

