Hello everyone. Just a simple question, I was studying the XPCE barcharts topic and then I tried to run a modified version of given example code. The result I got didn’t show any label in the axis but if I select the place where text should be shown, it is the length expected. In addition, I ran the same code in other computers and I got always the same. What am I doing wrong then?
Below, I attach the code used and an screen shot of the result:
:- use_module(library(pce)).
:- use_module(library('plot/barchart')).
:- use_module(library(autowin)).
barchart :- barchart(vertical).
barchart(HV) :- new(W, picture),
length(Classes, N),
send(W, display, new(BC, bar_chart(HV, 0, 200, 100, N))),
forall(member([Name, Created, Freed], Classes),
send(BC, append,
bar(created, Created, green),
bar(freed, Freed, red)))),
send(W, open).