Can't call predicate loaded via src_text parameter during PEngines ask() call?

I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 8.0.2 on Ubuntu Linux 18.04.

I have now converted my code from being mostly residenton the PEngines server (loaded at server startup), to being passed to the PEngines instance I create via the src_text parameter given to the create() call. I do not get any errors during the create() call. Also, I set the destroy option set to false in the create() call . However, when I try to call one of the predicates found in the code in the src_text parameter, I get an existence error back from the PEngines instance.

Here is the module declaration at the top of the code passed via the src_text option during the create() call:

:- module(
	% Module name.
	% Exported predicates list.

Here is the goal I pass to the PEngines ask() method:

Attempting Prolog query: pengine_execute_single_user_action(get_player_location(PlayerLocation),QueryReport)

Here is the error I receive back from the PEngines instance, as seen from my client Node.JS code:

Error: procedure `pengine_execute_single_user_action(A,B)' does not exist
Object received:{
    "arg1": "procedure",
    "arg2": "pengine_execute_single_user_action('$VAR'(0),'$VAR'(1))",
    "code": "existence_error",
    "data": "procedure `pengine_execute_single_user_action(A,B)' does not exist",
    "event": "error",
    "id": "6b057dcc-8ad8-4159-872a-a0c236bb0dca",
    "pengine": {
        "options": {
            "server": "http://localhost:3030/pengine",
            "application": "tsll",
            "destroy": false,
            "src_text": <DELETED TO KEEP THIS POST SHORT>,
            "format": "json"
        "id": "6b057dcc-8ad8-4159-872a-a0c236bb0dca",
        "request": {}

I tried pre-pending the module name to the goal I pass to the PEngines ask() method, but that didn’t work either:

Attempting Prolog query: src_text:pengine_execute_single_user_action(get_player_location(PlayerLocation),QueryReport)

And now the error changes to this:

Error: procedure `src_text:pengine_execute_single_user_action(A,B)' does not exist

What am I doing wrong?