How would one write a “why” component for
SWI-Prolog CLP(FD) all_distinct/1 global constraint?
Maybe visualize the conflict in a GUI?
Here is a striking example, Peter Norvig’s impossible Sudoku,
which he claims took him 1439 seconds (ca. 24 minutes)
to show that it is unsolvable:
/* Peter Norvig */
problem(9, [[_,_,_,_,_,5,_,8,_],
Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle
whereby SWI-Prolog with all_distinct/1
it in a blink, even without labeling:
?- problem(9, M), time(sudoku(M)).
% 316,054 inferences, 0.016 CPU in 0.020 seconds
A.9.7 Example: Sudoku
Pretty cool!