How to change the url of the code of a pack

I’m updating the lbfgs pack
and I would like the pack to point to GitHub - friguzzi/lbfgs: An interface to call libLBFGS from within SWI-Prolog
However, if you do


I got

ERROR: Server reported the following error:
ERROR: No permission to register pack(lbfgs) `'''

How should I proceed?


There’s some discussion about pack URLs here (including URL patterns and migrating servers):

IIRC, @jan needs to do something if the server changes.
Have you tried uninstalling the pack and removing all the files, then doing the pack_install?

Yes, I tried and I obtained the message above. The problem is that the pack was created when github used the old style URLs of the form git:// that are no longer working, so the pack is not accessible anymore, @jan, can you please update the address to

Updated. Seems to be in good shape again. Also registered the latest version.

Sorry to revive this old topic, but I have a similar issue…

I cannot seem to upgrade (on the pack central server) the version of a pack I recently created:

?- pack_install('*.zip', [register(true)]).
% Querying "" to find new versions ...
%     Latest version: 1.1.3 (14 older)
Installation plan:
  Install doctest at version 1.1.3 from
Download packs? Y/n? 
% Downloading doctest ... 5,263 bytes
% Contacting server at ... ok

?- pack_list_installed.
% Contacting server at ... ok
A doctest@1.1.3(1.0.3)             - Doctests using PlDoc and PlUnit

As shown above, the 1.1.3 version is found and installs correctly, but… it keeps the 1.0.3 as most recent registered/published version.

Indeed the download URL I added initially didn’t take into account that the search is hardcoded for GitHub releases (and doesn’t work for the similar GitLab releases) and I suppose that is what goes wrong.

By the way, if I use pack_publish instead (with the same URL), I get:

ERROR: Pack doctest at version 1.1.3 is already registered with a different URL

Can I do anything on my side to fix this? Otherwise, can you manually change the URL for me?


I have updated the pattern. No, you can’t do that yourself for obvious reasons. That would only make sense if we have a well secured login for package maintainers.

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Thanks a lot!

@jan sorry to bother you again, but for some reason, while SWI does find the latest releases:

> swipl pack list
% Contacting server at ... ok
i doctest@1.2.0                    - Doctests using PlDoc and PlUnit

The official pack web page went back in time (!) back to 1.0.3… I’m pretty sure it picked the new release when you did the URL change, but :man_shrugging:t2:

Seems one of the backends did not update and that was picked by the CDN. Should be ok in 1 hour.

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