Yes, I tried and I obtained the message above. The problem is that the pack was created when github used the old style URLs of the form git:// that are no longer working, so the pack is not accessible anymore, @jan, can you please update the address to
Sorry to revive this old topic, but I have a similar issue…
I cannot seem to upgrade (on the pack central server) the version of a pack I recently created:
?- pack_install('*.zip', [register(true)]).
% Querying "" to find new versions ...
% Latest version: 1.1.3 (14 older)
Installation plan:
Install doctest at version 1.1.3 from
Download packs? Y/n?
% Downloading doctest ... 5,263 bytes
% Contacting server at ... ok
?- pack_list_installed.
% Contacting server at ... ok
A doctest@1.1.3(1.0.3) - Doctests using PlDoc and PlUnit
As shown above, the 1.1.3 version is found and installs correctly, but… it keeps the 1.0.3 as most recent registered/published version.
Indeed the download URL I added initially didn’t take into account that the search is hardcoded for GitHub releases (and doesn’t work for the similar GitLab releases) and I suppose that is what goes wrong.
By the way, if I use pack_publish instead (with the same URL), I get:
ERROR: Pack doctest at version 1.1.3 is already registered with a different URL
Can I do anything on my side to fix this? Otherwise, can you manually change the URL for me?
I have updated the pattern. No, you can’t do that yourself for obvious reasons. That would only make sense if we have a well secured login for package maintainers.