At the moment, the best performances of a Prolog prover for Classical Propositional Logic are given by @j4n_bur53’s prover below:
:- op( 500, fy, ~). % negation
:- op(1000, xfy, &). % conjunction
:- op(1100, xfy, '|'). % disjunction
:- op(1110, xfy, =>). % conditional
:- op(1120, xfy, <=>). % biconditional
:- op( 500, fy, !). % universal quantifier: ![X]:
:- op( 500, fy, ?). % existential quantifier: ?[X]:
:- op( 500,xfy, :).
prove0(F, P) :- time(prove([]>[F],P)).
write('Prolog output : '), write(P),
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
prove(G>[(A=>B)|D], rcond(G>[(A=>B)|D],P)):- !,
prove(G>[(A|B)|D], ror(G>[(A|B)|D], P)):- !,
/* double negation */
prove(G>[~ ~A|D], rneg(G>[~ ~A|D],P)):- !,
prove(G>[~ (A&B)|D], land(G>[~ (A&B)|D],P)):- !,
prove(G>[(A<=>B)|D], rbicond(G>[(A<=>B)|D],P1,P2)):- !,
prove(G>[A,~B|D], P2).
prove(G>[~ (A<=>B)|D], lbicond(G>[~ (A<=>B)|D], P1,P2)):- !,
prove(G>[~ (A=>B)|D], lcond(G>[~ (A=>B)|D],P1,P2)):- !,
prove(G>[(A&B)|D], rand(G>[(A&B)|D],P1,P2)):- !,
prove(G>[~ (A|B)|D], lor(G>[~ (A|B)|D], P1,P2)):- !,
prove(G>[A|D], ax(G>[A|D], A)):-
member(B,G), A==B, !.
/* next */
prove(G>[~A|D], lneg(G>[~A|D], P)) :- !,
prove(G>[A|D], lneg(G>[A|D], P)) :- !,
prove(G>[], asq(G>[], asq)):-
write("Unprovable formula ! ").
member(E, [E|_]).
member(E, [_|Xs]) :-
member(E, Xs).
term_lower_upper(Lower,Upper) :-
( compound(Lower)
-> mapargs(term_lower_upper,Lower,Upper)
; is_list(Lower)
-> maplist(term_lower_upper,Lower,Upper)
; var(Lower)
-> Upper = Lower
; atomic(Lower) % this should be useless
-> upcase_atom(Lower,Upper)
; throw(term_lower_upper(Lower,Upper))
/* Pretty Printing */
atom_split(X, D, L) :-
atomic_list_concat(L, D, X).
latex(H, J) :-
latex_root(H, J, L, []),
atom_split(Y, '', L),
latex_root(P, J) --> ['\\begin{prooftree}'], latex_proof(P, J), ['\\end{prooftree}'].
latex_proof(ax(S,U), J) --> ['\\RightLabel{$Ax.$} \\AxiomC{} \\UnaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, ax(S,U), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(rcond(S,P), J) --> latex_proof(P, J),
['\\RightLabel{$R\\to$} \\UnaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, rcond(S,P), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(land(S,P), J) --> latex_proof(P, J),
['\\RightLabel{$L\\land$} \\UnaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, land(S,P), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(ror(S,P), J) --> latex_proof(P, J),
['\\RightLabel{$R\\lor$} \\UnaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, ror(S,P), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(lneg(S,P), J) --> latex_proof(P, J),
['\\RightLabel{$L\\neg$} \\UnaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, lneg(S,P), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(rneg(S,P), J) --> latex_proof(P, J),
['\\RightLabel{$R\\neg$} \\UnaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, rneg(S,P), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(rand(S,P,Q), J) --> latex_proof(P, J), latex_proof(Q, J),
['\\RightLabel{$R\\land$} \\BinaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, rand(S,P,Q), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(lor(S,P,Q), J) --> latex_proof(P, J), latex_proof(Q, J),
['\\RightLabel{$L\\lor$} \\BinaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, lor(S,P,Q), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(lcond(S,P,Q), J) --> latex_proof(P, J), latex_proof(Q, J),
['\\RightLabel{$L\\to$} \\BinaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, lcond(S,P,Q), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(lbicond(S,P,Q), J) --> latex_proof(P, J), latex_proof(Q, J),
['\\RightLabel{$R\\leftrightarrow$} \\BinaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, lbicond(S,P,Q), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(rbicond(S,P,Q), J) --> latex_proof(P, J), latex_proof(Q, J),
['\\RightLabel{$R\\leftrightarrow$} \\BinaryInfC{'],
latex_sequent(S, rbicond(S,P,Q), J), ['}'].
latex_proof(asq(S,U), J) --> ['\\RightLabel{$Asq.$} \\AxiomC{} \\UnaryInfC{'],
latex_antisequent(S, asq(S,U), J), ['}'].
latex_sequent(G > D, P, J) --> ['$ '], latex_list(G, P, left, 0, J), [' \\vdash '], latex_list(D, P, right, 0, J), [' $'].
latex_antisequent(G > D, P, J) --> ['$ '], latex_list(G, P, left, 0, J), [' \\nvdash '], latex_list(D, P, right, 0, J), [' $'].
latex_list([], _, _, _, _) --> [].
% latex_list([X|L], P, F, N, J) --> {has_usage(P, F, N)}, !, latex_formula(X, J), {M is N+1}, latex_rest(L, P, F, M, J).
latex_list([X|L], P, F, N, J) --> latex_formula(X, J), {M is N+1}, latex_rest(L, P, F, M, J).
latex_list([_|L], P, F, N, J) --> {M is N+1}, latex_list(L, P, F, M, J).
latex_rest([], _, _, _, _) --> [].
% latex_rest([X|L], P, F, N, J) --> {has_usage(P, F, N)}, !, [', '], latex_formula(X, J), {M is N+1}, latex_rest(L, P, F, M, J).
latex_rest([X|L], P, F, N, J) --> [', '], latex_formula(X, J), {M is N+1}, latex_rest(L, P, F, M, J).
latex_rest([_|L], P, F, N, J) --> {M is N+1}, latex_rest(L, P, F, M, J).
latex_formula(~A, J) --> !, ['\\neg '], latex_term(A, J).
latex_formula((A&B), J) --> !, latex_term(A, J), [' \\land '], latex_term(B, J).
latex_formula((A|B), J) --> !, latex_term(A, J), [' \\lor '], latex_term(B, J).
latex_formula((A=>B), J) --> !, latex_term(A, J), [' \\to '], latex_term(B, J).
latex_formula((A<=>B), J) --> !, latex_term(A, J), [' \\leftrightarrow '], latex_term(B, J).
% latex_formula(![X], J) --> !, ['\\forall '], latex_term(X, J).
% latex_formula(?[Y], J) --> !, ['\\exists '], latex_term(Y, J).
latex_formula(X, J) --> latex_factor(X, J).
latex_term(~A, J) --> !, ['\\neg '], latex_term(A, J).
latex_term((A&B), J) --> !, ['('], latex_term(A, J), [' \\land '], latex_term(B, J), [')'].
latex_term((A|B), J) --> !, ['('], latex_term(A, J), [' \\lor '], latex_term(B, J), [')'].
latex_term((A=>B), J) --> !, ['('], latex_term(A, J), [' \\to '], latex_term(B, J), [')'].
latex_term((A<=>B), J) --> !, ['('], latex_term(A, J), [' \\leftrightarrow '], latex_term(B, J), [')'].
% latex_term(![X], J) --> !, ['\\forall '], latex_term(X, J).
% latex_term(?[Y], J) --> !, ['\\exists '], latex_term(Y, J).
latex_term(X, J) --> latex_factor(X, J).
latex_factor(X, J) --> {var(X), member(W = N, J), W == X}, !, [N].
latex_factor(X, _) --> {var(X)}, !, ['?'].
latex_factor(X, J) --> {X=..[F,Y|L]}, !, [F, '('], latex_factor(Y, J), latex_args(L, J), [')'].
latex_factor(X, _) --> [X].
latex_args([], _) --> [].
latex_args([X|L], J) --> [','], latex_factor(X, J), latex_args(L, J).
For Pelletier Problem 71, here is the result:
% 8,814,591 inferences, 1.321 CPU in 1.321 seconds (100% CPU, 6671014 Lips)
Note that prove0
must be used and not the provable
query which provides LaTeX output.
leanTAP does not succeed to prove this formula.
@j4n_bur53 : what is the name of this prover?