
I assume that you’re referring specifically to the linter?

Although Logtalk cannot cope with everything proprietary in SWI-Prolog, specially when a mix of Prolog modules and term-expansion is used, it’s often able to compile Prolog modules as objects without changes. The linter will automatically run on the code (but note that some lint checks are turned off by default). To experiment, simply pass the path to the Prolog module file to the logtalk_load/1-2 predicates or to the top-level abbreviation, {}/1. For example, assuming a module file:

?- {foo}.

You may also want pass specific compiler options. E.g.

?- logtalk_load(foo, [duplicated_clauses(warning)]).

If you have plain Prolog code (i.e. Prolog code not encapsulated in a module), you can quickly define an object that includes it and compile that object. For example, assuming a plain Prolog file:

:- object(bar).
    :- include(bar).
:- end_object.

And then:

?- {bar}.

By default, at startup, Logtalk prints the default flag values, including for the linter flags. These flags are described at:

Let me know if I can be of further assistance. Hope the linter prove useful in your case. For a live chat on your experiments with the Logtalk linter, try the chat room (you only need a GitHub account).