Hi, I’ve hit a problem I can’t find my way around…in my “language” I have a predicate for each reserved word, so that I can use call/1, here’s the handling of a built-in function:
render(Options, Term, CodeOut) :-
debug(coder, 'C:render: ~w',[Term]),
( functor(Term, F, _),
-> call(F, Options, Term, CodeOut)
; fncall(Options, Term, CodeOut)
The problem is, I have a reserved word include
and it’s clashing with apply:include/3
…I am using maplist
elsewhere and I assumed that was auto-loading apply libraru, I have tried and failed with
:- use_module(library(apply), [maplist/3]).
attempting to only include maplist and I also tried this to not pull in the include
:- use_module(library(apply), except([include/3]).
but neither avoids this:
ERROR: No permission to redefine imported_procedure
Here is the code that it won’t chew on:
include(_Opts, _Term, "INCOLUDE TODO").
One way would be to prefix all the handlers with something then use format to create the final name to call/1 but that feels inefficient and ugly.