One page interactive program

Looking for small one page Prolog programs that do something interesting and run on the console.

  • expert systems, advisors, etc. Something similar to Merrit’s expert systems would be great, but I’m too swamped prepping the class to stop and repair any of the versions of those I’ve found.

Anybody have a first program or a prototype of something I could use? Github is not helping me here.

Will a planner work?

See SO question Prolog planning using retract and assert

Note: The answer does not use retract and assert.

1 Like

A small program that convinced me of the power of Prolog is a term rewrite rule system showing symbolic differentiation. Here is a variant of a program taken from Cloksin/Mellish.

% term rewrite rule system
% shows symbolic differentiation using term rewrite rules

:- op( 750 , xfx , ==> ) .        %  define rule operator ==>
:- op( 1180 , xfx , if ) .        %  define rule guard operator if
:- op( 250 , yfx , ´ ) .          %  define differentiation operator `

rw( Old , Old ) .                                        % rule applyer
rw( Old , New ) :- subst( Old, Zw ) , ! , rw( Zw, New ).

subst( Old , New ) :- Old =.. [F,A|As] ,    %  apply any substition to a subtree of Old to get New
                      substl( [F,A|As], Ns ) ,
                      New =.. Ns .
subst( Old , New ) :- ( Old ==> New if B ) , B .    % inner substitutions first

substl( [A|As], [N|As] ) :- subst( A, N ) .
substl( [A|As], [A|Ns] ) :- substl( As, Ns ) .

0 * _ ==> 0                    if  true .
X + 0 ==> X                    if  true .
1 * X ==> X                    if  true .
X + X ==> 2 * X                if  true .
X ^ 1 ==> X                    if  true .
A * X + B * X ==> (A+B) * X    if  integer(A) , integer(B) .
A * X + X     ==> (1+A) * X    if  integer(A) .
X     + B * X ==> (1+B) * X    if  integer(B) .
X - Y ==> Z                    if  integer(X) , integer(Y) , Z is X - Y .
X - Y ==> X + -1 * Y           if  true .

X + Y ==> Z                    if  integer(X) , integer(Y) , Z is X + Y .
W + X + Y ==> W + Z            if  integer(X) , integer(Y) , Z is X + Y .
X * Y ==> Z                    if  integer(X) , integer(Y) , Z is X * Y .

X + Y ==> Y + X                if  integer(X) , not(integer(Y)) .
X + Y + Z ==> X + Z + Y        if  integer(Y) , not(integer(Z)) .
X * Y ==> Y * X                if  integer(Y) , not(integer(X)) .
X * Y * Z ==> X * Z * Y        if  integer(Z) , not(integer(Y)) .
X * (Y * Z) ==> X * Y * Z      if  true .
X * (1/X)   ==> 1              if  true .
-1 * (X+Y)  ==> -1*X+ -1*Y     if  true .
A/(B/X) ==> A*X/B              if  true .

X ´ X ==> 1                    if  true .
C ´ _ ==> 0                    if  integer( C ) .          % constants
(C*F) ´ X ==> C * F´X          if  integer( C ) .
C ´ X ==> 0                    if  atom( C ) , \+ C=X .    % partial differentiation
(C*F) ´ X ==> C * F´X          if  atom( C ) , \+ C=X .
(X^N) ´ X ==> N * X^(N-1)      if  integer( N ) , \+ N=0 .
exp(X) ´ X ==> exp(X)          if  true .
ln(X) ´ X ==> 1 / X            if  true .
sin(X) ´ X ==> cos(X)          if  true .
cos(X) ´ X ==> -1 * sin(X)     if  true .
(F+G) ´ X ==> F´X + G´X        if  true .                  % sum rule
FG ´ X ==> FG´G * G´X          if  FG=..[_,G] , \+ G=X .   % chaining rule
(F*G) ´ X ==> G*F´X + F*G´X    if  true .                  % product rule
(F/G) ´ X ==> (G*F´X - F*G´X) / G^2    if  true .          % quotient rule

FIX´X ==> 1 / FFIX ´ FIX       if  FIX=..[FI,X], inv(FI,F), FFIX=..[F,FIX] . % invers f rule
% FI means f^-1 , FIX means f^-1(X) , FFIX means f(f^-1(X)) , FFIX´FIX means f'(f^-1(X))
% invers rule, i.e. f^-1'(X) = 1 / f'(f^-1(X))

tan(X) ==> sin(X) / cos(X)     if true .

inv(arcsin,sin).                % f^-1=arcsin,f=sin

test1(E) :- rw( (x^6)´x , E ) .                  % 1st derivative
test2(E) :- rw( (x^6)´x´x , E ) .                % 2nd derivative
test3(E) :- rw( (c*x*y)´x´y , E ) .              % derivative to x and to y
test4(E) :- rw( (sin(y*x))´x , E ) .             % chaining rule
test5(E) :- rw( (arccos(x))´x , E ) .            % derivative of invers funtion

Stepwise execution of the test queries on a console shows the computation of the derivative, e.g.:

?- test1(E).
E = x^6 ´ x ;
E = 6 * x^(6-1) ;
E = 6 * x^5 ;

I like to use this program in my class because the part that computes the derivative is short and the incomplete simplification of formulas can easily be extended by the students as an exercise.