Iâve tried, but my solution is not backward compatible, so I wait for better solutionsâŚ
file puzzle.pl: just removed the edcg: qualifications of acc_info,pass_info,pred_info
% -*- mode: Prolog -*-
% A simple puzzle solver, showing the use of EDCG notation.
% Solves https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox,_goose_and_bag_of_beans_puzzle
%:- use_module('../prolog/edcg.pl').
:- use_module(library(edcg)).
:- use_module(library(apply)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- multifile acc_info/5,pass_info/1,pred_info/3.
%! print_solutions is semidet.
% Find all the solutions and print them out.
print_solutions :-
setof(Moves, puzzle_moves(Moves), Solutions),
print_term(Solutions, []).
% The "move" accumulator is a standard DCG-like accumulator
/*edcg:*/acc_info(move, T, Out, In, Out=[T|In]).
% The "state" accumulator keeps a list of seen states in reverse order
% and when a new state is added, checks that the state hasn't already
% been seen.
/*edcg:*/acc_info(state, NewState, States0, States, add_state(NewState, States0, States)).
add_state(NewState, SeenStates, [NewState|SeenStates]) :-
\+ memberchk(NewState, SeenStates).
% The "final_state" accumulator is an example of passing a "context".
% The puzzle//2 predicate takes 2 parameters (Side, State) and
% implicitly passes around 3 accumulators, for a total of 5 extra
% parameters (1 for final_state, 2 for move, 2 for state).
/*edcg:*/pred_info(puzzle, 2, [final_state, move, state]).
%! puzzle_moves(-Moves) is nondet.
% Find one solution, putting the moves into the Moves parameter.
puzzle_moves(Moves) :-
puzzle(hither, % initial side
state{farmer:hither, fox:hither, goose:hither, beans:hither}, % initial state
state{farmer:yon, fox:yon, goose:yon, beans:yon}, % final state
Moves, [], % move accumulator
[], _ % seen_states accumulator
%! puzzle(+Side, +State) is nondet.
% accumulators: [final_state, move, state]
% Given the current Side (hither, yon) and a State, compute a new
% move; terminate if already at the final state.
puzzle(_Side, State) -->>
State/final_state, % FinalState/final_state, FinalState = State
puzzle(Side, State) -->>
% The "{...}" isn't needed because there are no edcg:pred_info/3
% clauses for these predicates, but it's good documentation.
{ other_side(Side, OtherSide),
cross_in_boat(State, Passengers),
new_state(Passengers, OtherSide, State, State2),
select(farmer, Passengers, PassengersWithoutFarmer)
[ State2 ]:state,
[ PassengersWithoutFarmer:Side->OtherSide:State2 ]:move,
puzzle(OtherSide, State2).
%! cross_in_boat(+State, -Passengers:list) is nondet.
% Select a passenger (or none) from the State; Passengers is either
% the farmer or farmer plus a single passenger.
cross_in_boat(_State, [farmer]).
cross_in_boat(State, [farmer, Passenger]) :-
get_dict(Passenger, State, State.farmer), % Select passenger from same location as farmer
Passenger \= farmer.
:- det(new_state/4).
%! new_state(+Passengers, +OtherSide, +State, -State2) is det.
% Generate a new State2 with the Passengers (which will also include
% the farmer) on the OtherSide.
new_state(Passengers, OtherSide, State, State2) :-
foldl(state_move_passenger(OtherSide), Passengers, State, State2).
:- det(state_move_passenger/4).
%! state_move_passenger(+OtherSide, +Passenger, +State, -State2) is det.
% Create a new state with the Passenger on the OtherSide.
state_move_passenger(OtherSide, Passenger, State, State2) :-
put_dict(Passenger, State, OtherSide, State2).
%! valid_state(+State) is semidet.
% Test whether a State is valid (fox can't eat goose, goose can't eat beans)
valid_state(state{farmer:FarmerSide, fox:FoxSide, goose:GooseSide, beans:BeansSide}) :-
(FoxSide \= GooseSide; FoxSide = FarmerSide),
(GooseSide \= BeansSide; GooseSide = FarmerSide).
%! other_side(+Side, -OtherSide) is det.
% Enumerate the hither/yon, yon/hither values for switching sides.
other_side(hither, yon).
other_side(yon, hither).
modifield library(edcg): removed the multifile declaration, (check for existence and) call M:pred_info, M:call_info, M:pass_info where M is recovered from prolog_load_context/2.
:- module( edcg, [
op(1200, xfx, '-->>'), % Similar to '-->'
op(1200, xfx, '==>>'), % Similar to '-->'
op( 990, fx, '?'), % For guards with '==>>'
% If running a version of SWI-Prolog older than 8.3.19, define the
% '=>' operator to prevent syntax errors in this module. The '==>>'
% operator is still defined in the module export, even though it'll
% generate a runtime error if it's used.
:- if(\+ current_op(_, _, '=>')).
:- op(1200, xfx, '=>').
:- endif.
:- use_module(library(debug), [debug/3]).
:- use_module(library(lists), [member/2]).
% These predicates define extra arguments and are defined in the
% modules that use the edcg module.
:- multifile
% True if the module being read has opted-in to EDCG macro expansion.
wants_edcg_expansion :-
predicate_property(Module:edcg_import_sentinel, imported_from(edcg)).
client_module(Module) :-
prolog_load_context(module, Module),
Module \== edcg. % don't expand macros in our own library
% dummy predicate exported to detect which modules want EDCG expansion
% term_expansion/4 is used to work around SWI-Prolog's attempts to
% match variable names when doing a listing (or interactive trace) and
% getting confused; this sometimes results in a strange error message
% for an unknown extended_pos(Pos,N).
% Returning a variable for _Layout2 means "I don't know".
% See https://swi-prolog.discourse.group/t/strange-warning-message-from-compile-or-listing/3774
% TODO: support ((H,PB-->>B) [same as regular DCG]
user:term_expansion((H-->>B), _Layout1, Expansion, _Layout2) :-
edcg_term_expansion((H-->>B), Expansion).
user:term_expansion((H,PB==>>B), _Layout1, Expansion, _Layout2) :-
edcg_term_expansion((H,PB==>>B), Expansion).
user:term_expansion((H==>>B), _Layout1, Expansion, _Layout2) :-
edcg_term_expansion((H==>>B), Expansion).
% Perform EDCG macro expansion
% TODO: support ((H,PB-->>B) [same as regular DCG]
edcg_term_expansion((H-->>B), (TH:-TB)) :-
term_expansion_(H, B, TH, TB, NewAcc),
edcg_term_expansion((H,PB==>>B), (TH,Guards=>TB2)) :-
'_guard_expansion_'(PB, Guards),
term_expansion_(H, B, TH, TB, NewAcc),
'_finish_acc_ssu'(NewAcc, TB, TB2),
edcg_term_expansion((H==>>B), (TH=>TB2)) :-
term_expansion_(H, B, TH, TB, NewAcc),
'_finish_acc_ssu'(NewAcc, TB, TB2),
% TODO: Do we want to expand the guards?
% For now, just verify that they all start with '?'
'_guard_expansion_'((?G0,G2), (G, GE2)) :- !,
'_guard_expansion_curly_'(G0, G),
'_guard_expansion_'(G2, GE2).
'_guard_expansion_'(?G0, G) :- !,
'_guard_expansion_curly_'(G0, G).
'_guard_expansion_'(G, _) :-
'_guard_expansion_curly_'({G}, G) :- !.
'_guard_expansion_curly_'(G, G).
term_expansion_(H, B, TH, TB, NewAcc) :-
functor(H, Na, Ar),
'_has_hidden'(H, HList),
debug(edcg,'Expanding ~w',[H]),
'_new_goal'(H, HList, HArity, TH),
'_create_acc_pass'(HList, HArity, TH, Acc, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(B, TB, Na/Ar, HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass).
% Expand a goal:
'_expand_goal'((G1,G2), (TG1,TG2), NaAr, HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_expand_goal'(G1, TG1, NaAr, HList, Acc, MidAcc, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G2, TG2, NaAr, HList, MidAcc, NewAcc, Pass).
'_expand_goal'((G1->G2;G3), (TG1->TG2;TG3), NaAr, HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_expand_goal'(G1, TG1, NaAr, HList, Acc, MidAcc, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G2, MG2, NaAr, HList, MidAcc, Acc1, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G3, MG3, NaAr, HList, Acc, Acc2, Pass),
'_merge_acc'(Acc, Acc1, MG2, TG2, Acc2, MG3, TG3, NewAcc).
'_expand_goal'((G1*->G2;G3), (TG1*->TG2;TG3), NaAr, HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_expand_goal'(G1, TG1, NaAr, HList, Acc, MidAcc, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G2, MG2, NaAr, HList, MidAcc, Acc1, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G3, MG3, NaAr, HList, Acc, Acc2, Pass),
'_merge_acc'(Acc, Acc1, MG2, TG2, Acc2, MG3, TG3, NewAcc).
'_expand_goal'((G1;G2), (TG1;TG2), NaAr, HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_expand_goal'(G1, MG1, NaAr, HList, Acc, Acc1, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G2, MG2, NaAr, HList, Acc, Acc2, Pass),
'_merge_acc'(Acc, Acc1, MG1, TG1, Acc2, MG2, TG2, NewAcc).
'_expand_goal'((G1->G2), (TG1->TG2), NaAr, HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_expand_goal'(G1, TG1, NaAr, HList, Acc, MidAcc, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G2, TG2, NaAr, HList, MidAcc, NewAcc, Pass).
'_expand_goal'((G1*->G2), (TG1->TG2), NaAr, HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_expand_goal'(G1, TG1, NaAr, HList, Acc, MidAcc, Pass),
'_expand_goal'(G2, TG2, NaAr, HList, MidAcc, NewAcc, Pass).
'_expand_goal'((\+G), (\+TG), NaAr, HList, Acc, Acc, Pass) :-
'_expand_goal'(G, TG, NaAr, HList, Acc, _TempAcc, Pass).
'_expand_goal'({G}, G, _, _, Acc, Acc, _) :- !.
'_expand_goal'(insert(X,Y), LeftA=X, _, _, Acc, NewAcc, _) :-
'_replace_acc'(dcg, LeftA, RightA, Y, RightA, Acc, NewAcc), !.
'_expand_goal'(insert(X,Y):A, LeftA=X, _, _, Acc, NewAcc, _) :-
'_replace_acc'(A, LeftA, RightA, Y, RightA, Acc, NewAcc),
debug(edcg,'Expanding accumulator goal: ~w',[insert(X,Y):A]),
% Force hidden arguments in L to be appended to G:
'_expand_goal'((G:A), TG, _, _HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_has_hidden'(G, []), !,
'_make_list'(A, AList),
'_new_goal'(G, AList, GArity, TG),
'_use_acc_pass'(AList, GArity, TG, Acc, NewAcc, Pass).
% Use G's regular hidden arguments & override defaults for those arguments
% not in the head:
'_expand_goal'((G:A), TG, _, _HList, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_has_hidden'(G, GList), GList\==[], !,
'_make_list'(A, L),
'_new_goal'(G, GList, GArity, TG),
'_replace_defaults'(GList, NGList, L),
'_use_acc_pass'(NGList, GArity, TG, Acc, NewAcc, Pass).
'_expand_goal'((L:A), Joiner, NaAr, _, Acc, NewAcc, _) :-
'_list'(L), !,
'_joiner'(L, A, NaAr, Joiner, Acc, NewAcc).
'_expand_goal'(L, Joiner, NaAr, _, Acc, NewAcc, _) :-
'_list'(L), !,
'_joiner'(L, dcg, NaAr, Joiner, Acc, NewAcc).
'_expand_goal'((X/A), true, _, _, Acc, Acc, _) :-
member(acc(A,X,_), Acc),
debug(edcg,'Expanding accumulator goal: ~w',[X/A]),
'_expand_goal'((X/A), true, _, _, Acc, Acc, Pass) :-
member(pass(A,X), Pass),
debug(edcg,'Expanding passed argument goal: ~w',[X/A]),
'_expand_goal'((A/X), true, _, _, Acc, Acc, _) :-
member(acc(A,_,X), Acc), !.
'_expand_goal'((X/A/Y), true, _, _, Acc, Acc, _) :-
var(X), var(Y), atomic(A),
member(acc(A,X,Y), Acc), !.
'_expand_goal'((X/Y), true, NaAr, _, Acc, Acc, _) :-
% Defaulty cases:
'_expand_goal'(G, TG, _HList, _, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_has_hidden'(G, GList), !,
'_new_goal'(G, GList, GArity, TG),
'_use_acc_pass'(GList, GArity, TG, Acc, NewAcc, Pass).
% ==== The following was originally acc-pass.pl ====
% Operations on the Acc and Pass data structures:
% Create the Acc and Pass data structures:
% Acc contains terms of the form acc(A,LeftA,RightA) where A is the name of an
% accumulator, and RightA and LeftA are the accumulating parameters.
% Pass contains terms of the form pass(A,Arg) where A is the name of a passed
% argument, and Arg is the argument.
'_create_acc_pass'([], _, _, [], []).
'_create_acc_pass'([A|AList], Index, TGoal, [acc(A,LeftA,RightA)|Acc], Pass) :-
'_is_acc'(A), !,
Index1 is Index+1,
arg(Index1, TGoal, LeftA),
Index2 is Index+2,
arg(Index2, TGoal, RightA),
'_create_acc_pass'(AList, Index2, TGoal, Acc, Pass).
'_create_acc_pass'([A|AList], Index, TGoal, Acc, [pass(A,Arg)|Pass]) :-
'_is_pass'(A), !,
Index1 is Index+1,
arg(Index1, TGoal, Arg),
'_create_acc_pass'(AList, Index1, TGoal, Acc, Pass).
'_create_acc_pass'([A|_AList], _Index, _TGoal, _Acc, _Pass) :-
% Use the Acc and Pass data structures to create the arguments of a body goal:
% Add the hidden parameters named in GList to the goal.
'_use_acc_pass'([], _, _, Acc, Acc, _).
% 1a. The accumulator A is used in the head:
'_use_acc_pass'([A|GList], Index, TGoal, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_replace_acc'(A, LeftA, RightA, MidA, RightA, Acc, MidAcc), !,
Index1 is Index+1,
arg(Index1, TGoal, LeftA),
Index2 is Index+2,
arg(Index2, TGoal, MidA),
'_use_acc_pass'(GList, Index2, TGoal, MidAcc, NewAcc, Pass).
% 1b. The accumulator A is not used in the head:
'_use_acc_pass'([A|GList], Index, TGoal, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_acc_info'(A, LStart, RStart), !,
Index1 is Index+1,
arg(Index1, TGoal, LStart),
Index2 is Index+2,
arg(Index2, TGoal, RStart),
'_use_acc_pass'(GList, Index2, TGoal, Acc, NewAcc, Pass).
% 2a. The passed argument A is used in the head:
'_use_acc_pass'([A|GList], Index, TGoal, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
member(pass(A,Arg), Pass), !,
Index1 is Index+1,
arg(Index1, TGoal, Arg),
'_use_acc_pass'(GList, Index1, TGoal, Acc, NewAcc, Pass).
% 2b. The passed argument A is not used in the head:
'_use_acc_pass'([A|GList], Index, TGoal, Acc, NewAcc, Pass) :-
'_pass_info'(A, AStart), !,
Index1 is Index+1,
arg(Index1, TGoal, AStart),
'_use_acc_pass'(GList, Index1, TGoal, Acc, NewAcc, Pass).
% 3. Defaulty case when A does not exist:
'_use_acc_pass'([A|_GList], _Index, _TGoal, Acc, Acc, _Pass) :-
% Finish the Acc data structure:
% Link its Left and Right accumulation variables together in pairs:
% TODO: does this work correctly in the presence of cuts? ("!") - see README
'_finish_acc'([acc(_,Link,Link)|Acc]) :- '_finish_acc'(Acc).
'_finish_acc_ssu'([], TB, TB).
'_finish_acc_ssu'([acc(_,Link0,Link1)|Acc], TB0, TB) :-
'_finish_acc_ssu'(Acc, (Link0=Link1,TB0), TB).
% Replace elements in the Acc data structure:
% Succeeds iff replacement is successful.
'_replace_acc'(A, L1, R1, L2, R2, Acc, NewAcc) :-
member(acc(A,L1,R1), Acc), !,
'_replace'(acc(A,_,_), acc(A,L2,R2), Acc, NewAcc).
% Combine two accumulator lists ('or'ing their values)
'_merge_acc'([], [], G1, G1, [], G2, G2, []) :- !.
'_merge_acc'([acc(Acc,OL,R)|Accs], [acc(Acc,L1,R)|Accs1], G1, NG1,
[acc(Acc,L2,R)|Accs2], G2, NG2, [acc(Acc,NL,R)|NewAccs]) :- !,
( ( OL == L1, OL \== L2 ) ->
MG1 = (G1,L1=L2), MG2 = G2, NL = L2
; ( OL == L2, OL \== L1 ) ->
MG2 = (G2,L2=L1), MG1 = G1, NL = L1
; MG1 = G1, MG2 = G2, L1 = L2, L2 = NL ),
'_merge_acc'(Accs, Accs1, MG1, NG1, Accs2, MG2, NG2, NewAccs).
% ==== The following was originally generic-util.pl ====
% Generic utilities special-util.pl
% Match arguments L, L+1, ..., H of the predicates P and Q:
'_match'(L, H, _, _) :- L>H, !.
'_match'(L, H, P, Q) :- L=<H, !,
arg(L, P, A),
arg(L, Q, A),
L1 is L+1,
'_match'(L1, H, P, Q).
'_list'(L) :- nonvar(L), L=[_|_], !.
'_list'(L) :- L==[], !.
'_make_list'(A, [A]) :- \+'_list'(A), !.
'_make_list'(L, L) :- '_list'(L), !.
% replace(Elem, RepElem, List, RepList)
'_replace'(_, _, [], []).
'_replace'(A, B, [A|L], [B|R]) :- !,
'_replace'(A, B, L, R).
'_replace'(A, B, [C|L], [C|R]) :-
\+C=A, !,
'_replace'(A, B, L, R).
% ==== The following was originally special-util.pl ====
% Specialized utilities:
% Given a goal Goal and a list of hidden parameters GList
% create a new goal TGoal with the correct number of arguments.
% Also return the arity of the original goal.
'_new_goal'(Goal, GList, GArity, TGoal) :-
functor(Goal, Name, GArity),
'_number_args'(GList, GArity, TArity),
functor(TGoal, Name, TArity),
'_match'(1, GArity, Goal, TGoal).
% Add the number of arguments needed for the hidden parameters:
'_number_args'([], N, N).
'_number_args'([A|List], N, M) :-
'_is_acc'(A), !,
N2 is N+2,
'_number_args'(List, N2, M).
'_number_args'([A|List], N, M) :-
'_is_pass'(A), !,
N1 is N+1,
'_number_args'(List, N1, M).
'_number_args'([_|List], N, M) :- !,
% error caught elsewhere
'_number_args'(List, N, M).
% Give a list of G's hidden parameters:
'_has_hidden'(G, GList) :-
functor(G, GName, GArity),
( client_module(Client), Client:pred_info(GName, GArity, GList)
; /*edcg:pred_info(GName, GArity, GList)
-> true
; */GList=[]
'_has_hidden'(G, GList) :-
functor(G, GName, GArity),
pred_info(GName, GArity, GList).
'_has_hidden'(G, []) :-
functor(G, GName, GArity),
\+pred_info(GName, GArity, _).
% Succeeds if A is an accumulator:
'_is_acc'(A) :- atomic(A), !, '_acc_info'(A, _, _, _, _, _, _).
'_is_acc'(A) :- functor(A, N, 2), !, '_acc_info'(N, _, _, _, _, _, _).
% Succeeds if A is a passed argument:
'_is_pass'(A) :- atomic(A), !, '_pass_info'(A, _).
'_is_pass'(A) :- functor(A, N, 1), !, '_pass_info'(N, _).
% Get initial values for the accumulator:
'_acc_info'(AccParams, LStart, RStart) :-
functor(AccParams, Acc, 2),
'_is_acc'(Acc), !,
arg(1, AccParams, LStart),
arg(2, AccParams, RStart).
'_acc_info'(Acc, LStart, RStart) :-
'_acc_info'(Acc, _, _, _, _, LStart, RStart).
% Isolate the internal database from the user database:
'_acc_info'(Acc, Term, Left, Right, Joiner, LStart, RStart) :-
M:acc_info(Acc, Term, Left, Right, Joiner, LStart, RStart).
%edcg:*/acc_info(Acc, Term, Left, Right, Joiner, LStart, RStart).
'_acc_info'(Acc, Term, Left, Right, Joiner, _, _) :-
M:acc_info(Acc, Term, Left, Right, Joiner).
%edcg:*/acc_info(Acc, Term, Left, Right, Joiner).
'_acc_info'(dcg, Term, Left, Right, Left=[Term|Right], _, []).
% Get initial value for the passed argument:
% Also, isolate the internal database from the user database.
'_pass_info'(PassParam, PStart) :-
functor(PassParam, Pass, 1),
'_is_pass'(Pass), !,
arg(1, PassParam, PStart).
'_pass_info'(Pass, PStart) :-
M:pass_info(Pass, PStart).
%edcg:*/pass_info(Pass, PStart).
'_pass_info'(Pass, _) :-
% Calculate the joiner for an accumulator A:
'_joiner'([], _, _, true, Acc, Acc).
'_joiner'([Term|List], A, NaAr, (Joiner,LJoiner), Acc, NewAcc) :-
'_replace_acc'(A, LeftA, RightA, MidA, RightA, Acc, MidAcc),
'_acc_info'(A, Term, LeftA, MidA, Joiner, _, _), !,
'_joiner'(List, A, NaAr, LJoiner, MidAcc, NewAcc).
% Defaulty case:
'_joiner'([_Term|List], A, NaAr, Joiner, Acc, NewAcc) :-
print_message(warning, missing_accumulator(NaAr,A)),
'_joiner'(List, A, NaAr, Joiner, Acc, NewAcc).
% Replace hidden parameters with ones containing initial values:
'_replace_defaults'([], [], _).
'_replace_defaults'([A|GList], [NA|NGList], AList) :-
'_replace_default'(A, NA, AList),
'_replace_defaults'(GList, NGList, AList).
'_replace_default'(A, NewA, AList) :- % New initial values for accumulator.
functor(NewA, A, 2),
member(NewA, AList), !.
'_replace_default'(A, NewA, AList) :- % New initial values for passed argument.
functor(NewA, A, 1),
member(NewA, AList), !.
'_replace_default'(A, NewA, _) :- % Use default initial values.
% ==== The following was originally messages.pl ====
:- multifile prolog:message//1.
prolog:message(missing_accumulator(Predicate,Accumulator)) -->
['In ~w the accumulator ''~w'' does not exist'-[Predicate,Accumulator]].
prolog:message(missing_hidden_parameter(Predicate,Term)) -->
['In ~w the term ''~w'' uses a non-existent hidden parameter.'-[Predicate,Term]].
prolog:message(not_a_hidden_param(Name)) -->
['~w is not a hidden parameter'-[Name]].
So far, it seems to work, but I think it doesnât solve OPâs requirements anywayâŚ
?- print_solutions.
[ [ ([goose]:hither->yon:state{beans:hither,farmer:yon,fox:hither,goose:yon}),
[ ([goose]:hither->yon:state{beans:hither,farmer:yon,fox:hither,goose:yon}),