I’m using: SWI-Prolog version SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.1.17) on Windows10
I want to use the pack real with part of code found in the ‘pagerank.pl’ example
?- use_module(library(real)).
?- <- library(igraph).
?- g <- graph([1,2,3] ).
But what I’m getting is:
?- g <- graph([1,2,3] ).
ERROR: R was unable to digest your statement, either syntax or existance error.
I found a work around like this :
?- x <- [1,2,3,4] .
But I would like to use the original way contained in ‘PageRank.pl’
Btw on loading the real package I got the message :
% Found foreign libraries for target platform.
% Use ?- pack_rebuild(real). to rebuild from sources
But trying to rebuild from sources I got :
?- pack_rebuild(real).
ERROR: source_sink `path(bash)’ does not exist
ERROR: [22] throw(error(existence_error(source_sink,…),_7080))
g ← graph(c(1,2,3))
Error in (function (edges, n = max(edges), directed = TRUE) :
At structure_generators.c:83 : Invalid (odd) edges vector, Invalid edge vector
in Real (linux) :
?- g ← graph([1,2,3,4]).
this just a warning that tells you pre-compiled version of the
pack is used. It is fine to use that. To rebuild your computer
must be able to compile c code from source.
if the message annoys you there must be a simple way to remove it.
Yes. I found out that graph(c(1,2,3)) was not giving an error message coming from real, but because thet is an invalid request.
g <- graph([1,2,3,4]) is correct in R and in real…
Go to kow about the message when installing real .
Thank you for our pack. My hopes are ther for heavy computations on Ts.