Prolog without SLG resolution?

I have recently been solving advent of code 2023 puzzles in Prolog and found myself heavily reliant on tabling/SLG for tractability. I note that gprolog and SICStus do not seem to support SLG. It made me wonder, how Prolog would even handle these problems without SLG resolution.

Lets take the example from the manual featured here:

fib(0, 1) :- !.
fib(1, 1) :- !.
fib(N, F) :-
        N > 1,
        N1 is N-1,
        N2 is N-2,
        fib(N1, F1),
        fib(N2, F2),
        F is F1+F2.

One could just add :- table fib/2. and be done with it in SWI Prolog, but how would you handle this in a performant way using only portable Prolog code? Would you have to resort to assert or similar or is there some other pattern?

Can use memo/1 from Memoization

:- dynamic memo_/1.

memo(Goal) :-
    (   memo_(Goal)
    ->  true
    ;   once(Goal),

fib_memo(0, 1).
fib_memo(1, 1).
fib_memo(N, F) :-
    N > 1,
    N1 is N-1,
    N2 is N-2,
    memo(fib_memo(N1, F1)),
    memo(fib_memo(N2, F2)),
    F is F1+F2.

Evidence of caching:

?- time(fib_memo(100, F)).
% 896 inferences
F = 573147844013817084101.

?- time(fib_memo(99, F)).
% 7 inferences
F = 354224848179261915075.

?- time(fib_memo(100, F)).
% 7 inferences
F = 573147844013817084101.

?- time(fib_memo(101, F)).
% 16 inferences
F = 927372692193078999176.

A variation is at memoisation

swi-prolog has: "memo" pack for SWI-Prolog

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The link above mentions passing around an association list as another option. That looks like a more realistic route, as I understand assert to be slow. Some of the AoC problems require a large number of puts to the cache and involve many cache hits. Presumably hashtable would make more sense than an assoc list but I guess it isn’t portable.

In N3 we do it as a small tweak to the recursion (from double to single) eye/reasoning/fibonacci/fibonacci.n3 at master · eyereasoner/eye (
The queries eye/reasoning/fibonacci/fibonacciQ.n3 at master · eyereasoner/eye ( give instantaneous answers eye/reasoning/fibonacci/fibonacciA.n3 at master · eyereasoner/eye (

The corresponding prolog code looks like

$ cat
fibonacci(A, B) :-
    fib(A, 0, 1, B).

fib(0, A, _, A) :-
fib(1, _, A, A) :-
fib(A, B, C, D) :-
    A > 1,
    E is A-1,
    F is B+C,
    fib(E, C, F, D).

which gives

$ time swipl -f -g "member(M, [0, 1, 6, 91, 283, 3674]), fibonacci(M, F), writeln(F), fail; halt"

real    0m0.033s
user    0m0.027s
sys     0m0.009s
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We also follow the fibonacci(0) - Wolfram|Alpha ( line that fibonacci(0) = 0

Fibonacci is not a great example. Such a rewrite of the problem does not appear applicable to e.g. Advent of code 2023 - #160 by brebs

I would say that an explanation is missing. Something like
fib(N,A0,A1,An) - An is the N-th element of the
Fibonacci sequence begining with A0,A1

For a first argument indexing solution, all I see is that a hybrid
association table doesn’t incure an unbearable overhead, works fine:

/* Trealla Prolog 2.32.13 */
?- time(fib_memo2(100000, _)).
% Time elapsed 0.398s, 999996 Inferences, 2.515 MLips

/* SWI-Prolog 9.1.21 */
?- time(fib_memo2(100000, _)).
% 599,994 inferences, 0.797 CPU in 0.874 seconds (91% CPU, 752934 Lips)

/* Dogelog Player for Java 1.1.5, using a hybrid */
?- time(fib_memo2(100000, _)).
% Zeit 973 ms, GC 0 ms, Lips 5858160, Uhr 04.01.2024 10:23

/* Scryer Prolog 0.9.3 */
?- time(fib_memo2(100000, _)).
   % CPU time: 1.052s, 1_299_990 inferences

Was using this trimmed version of memoization, warning
the below code is not steadfast in the 2nd argument:

:- dynamic(memo2/2).

fib_memo2(N, F) :- memo2(N, F), !.
fib_memo2(0, 1) :- !.
fib_memo2(1, 1) :- !.
fib_memo2(N, F) :-
    N1 is N-1,
    N2 is N-2,
    fib_memo2(N1, F1),
    fib_memo2(N2, F2),
    F is F1+F2,
    assertz(memo2(N, F)).

Taking notes to myself: Why is Trealla Prolog so fast? Something
to do with the speed of the built-in predicate assertz/1?