While doing some performance comparison in new 8.1.2 of tabling vs naive
caching, I’ve observed an unexpected behavior.
While in general naive caching is faster (I assume due to lack of
generality) this prolog source shows a very strange thing:
$ cat p.pl
:- table fib/2.
fib(0, 1) :- !.
fib(1, 1) :- !.
fib(N, F) :-
N > 1,
N1 is N-1,
N2 is N-2,
fib(N1, F1),
fib(N2, F2),
F is F1+F2.
:- dynamic fib_cache/2.
fibc(0, 1) :- !.
fibc(1, 1) :- !.
fibc(N, F) :-
fib_cache(N, F),
fibc(N, F) :-
N > 1,
N1 is N-1,
N2 is N-2,
fibc(N1, F1),
fibc(N2, F2),
F is F1+F2,
assertz(fib_cache(N, F)).
t1 :-
profile(fib(100000, _)).
t2 :-
profile(fibc(100000, _)).
$ swipl
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1 ?- [p].
2 ?- t1.
Total time: 1.100 seconds
Predicate Box Entries = Calls+Redos Time
$garbage_collect/1 12 = 12+0 22.9%
$tbl_wkl_add_answer/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 16.8%
start_tabling/2 1 = 1+0 12.9%
$tbl_variant_table/4 199,999 = 199,999+0 12.1%
is/2 99,999 = 99,999+0 11.5%
trie_gen/3 199,999 = 199,999+0 5.8%
fib tabled/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 2.8%
reset/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 2.4%
$tbl_create_subcomponent/1 100,001 = 100,001+0 1.8%
$tbl_free_component/1 1 = 1+0 1.5%
$tabling:work_and_add_answer/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 1.4%
$tabling:run_leader/5 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.9%
$tabling:delim/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.8%
$tabling:done_leader/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.8%
$tbl_wkl_work/7 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.8%
$tabling:completion/1 200,002 = 100,001+100,001 0.3%
$tbl_component_status/2 300,003 = 300,003+0 0.3%
$tbl_new_worklist/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.3%
$tabling:add_answer_or_suspend/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
$tabling:completion_step/1 200,002 = 100,001+100,001 0.0%
$tabling:early_completion/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
$tabling:activate/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
$tabling:finished_leader/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
fib/2 199,999 = 199,999+0 0.0%
$sig_atomic/1 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
3 ?- t1.
Total time: 1.125 seconds
Predicate Box Entries = Calls+Redos Time
$garbage_collect/1 9 = 9+0 22.8%
$tbl_wkl_add_answer/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 19.6%
$tbl_variant_table/4 199,999 = 199,999+0 15.7%
start_tabling/2 1 = 1+0 12.2%
is/2 99,999 = 99,999+0 5.5%
trie_gen/3 199,999 = 199,999+0 3.4%
$tbl_create_subcomponent/1 100,001 = 100,001+0 3.2%
fib tabled/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 2.5%
$tabling:completion/1 200,002 = 100,001+100,001 2.3%
$tbl_table_complete_all/1 100,001 = 100,001+0 1.9%
$tabling:delim/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 1.4%
$tbl_new_worklist/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 1.3%
$tbl_pop_worklist/2 200,002 = 200,002+0 1.1%
$tbl_free_component/1 1 = 1+0 0.9%
$tabling:finished_leader/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.7%
$tabling:done_leader/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.6%
$tabling:work_and_add_answer/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.6%
$tabling:run_leader/5 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.4%
$tabling:activate/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.3%
> /2 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.3%
$tbl_wkl_work/7 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.3%
reset/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.3%
$tabling:add_answer_or_suspend/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
$tabling:completion_step/1 200,002 = 100,001+100,001 0.0%
$tabling:early_completion/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
3 ?- t1.
Total time: 1.175 seconds
Predicate Box Entries = Calls+Redos Time
$garbage_collect/1 9 = 9+0 21.6%
$tbl_variant_table/4 199,999 = 199,999+0 19.8%
$tbl_wkl_add_answer/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 16.2%
start_tabling/2 1 = 1+0 10.2%
is/2 99,999 = 99,999+0 5.5%
trie_gen/3 199,999 = 199,999+0 5.3%
$tbl_create_subcomponent/1 100,001 = 100,001+0 4.1%
$tbl_new_worklist/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 2.7%
$tbl_free_component/1 1 = 1+0 2.4%
$tbl_component_status/2 300,003 = 300,003+0 2.1%
$tbl_pop_worklist/2 200,002 = 200,002+0 1.8%
$tabling:run_leader/5 100,001 = 100,001+0 1.5%
$tabling:completion/1 200,002 = 100,001+100,001 1.3%
$tabling:delim/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.7%
$tabling:activate/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.6%
$tbl_table_complete_all/1 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.6%
$tabling:completion_step/1 200,002 = 100,001+100,001 0.3%
$tabling:work_and_add_answer/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.3%
fib tabled/2 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.3%
$sig_atomic/1 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.3%
$tabling:add_answer_or_suspend/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
$tabling:early_completion/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
$tabling:done_leader/4 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
$tabling:finished_leader/3 100,001 = 100,001+0 0.0%
fib/2 199,999 = 199,999+0 0.0%
3 ?- t2.
Total time: 2.400 seconds
Predicate Box Entries = Calls+Redos Time
$garbage_collect/1 850 = 850+0 85.1%
assertz/1 99,999 = 99,999+0 7.3%
fib_cache/2 199,996 = 199,996+0 5.3%
is/2 99,999 = 99,999+0 1.3%
fibc/2 100,000 = 1+99,999 1.0%
> /2 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.0%
4 ?- t2.
Total time: 64.550 seconds
Predicate Box Entries = Calls+Redos Time
$garbage_collect/1 22,357 = 22,357+0 99.0%
fib_cache/2 199,996 = 199,996+0 0.6%
assertz/1 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.3%
is/2 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.1%
fibc/2 100,000 = 1+99,999 0.0%
> /2 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.0%
4 ?- t2.
Total time: 64.035 seconds
Predicate Box Entries = Calls+Redos Time
$garbage_collect/1 22,357 = 22,357+0 99.1%
fib_cache/2 199,996 = 199,996+0 0.5%
assertz/1 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.3%
is/2 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.1%
fibc/2 100,000 = 1+99,999 0.1%
> /2 99,999 = 99,999+0 0.0%
4 ?-
While the first run of t2 runs in relative small time (although the GC
time is very dominant and run a lot of times), in next runs the GC seems
to go crazy and is triggered all the time.