dear forum,
I am trying to activate a swi prolog https server on a windows server machine, running next to apache which itself runs on port 443.
I made some .pl server scripts so that swi prolog can serve data from certain files. I tested that on localhost on another machine, that works.
Now on the internet- server i let the server start with : ( I use port 8443 )
server(Port) :-
http_server(http_dispatch, [port(Port), ssl([ certificate_file(‘C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.crt\server.crt’), key_file(‘C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.key\server.key’) ]) ]).
swi runs this without complaints. Then the server is answering the way it should when i call for example
- the server answers
then from outside I can run it as well:
then after that I would like to get https html files (from apache ) in combination with swi server data ( from : 8443 ) with a web-browser ( for example firefox )
then I call the https page first which succeeds,
Then i want to call the swi ssl server from within that page through javascript xml-request
, the firefox complains When i call the the swi data server through
Because it thinks that https with http-call afterwards (swi server call ) is not allowed because unsafe.
therefore I should call the swi-server as :
but with that the swi-server doesnt answer. I have allowed the firewall for 8443 and that seems to work also with normal call.
Is it possible to get the swi server working next to apache with both on ssl?
basically the call :
is double because 8443 is already considered as ssl connection, but is it that firefox wants it that way?
or can this only be working when swi runs solely on https 443 without any other servers?
I use apache mainly for serving the files, and swi server for serving other data, that would be a great combination
Any answers would of course be appreciated. I prepared the swi-data server completely locally, but it seems I cant get it running the right way through ssl next to the apache server.
I let swi call the same 2 certificate files as which are be used by apache.