SWI Prolog won't compile or load code

I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 9.0.4 for x86_64-linux

I want the code to: Load and compile by invoking [program], ['program.pl] or consult(‘program.pl’).

But what I’m getting is:
?- edit(‘myfamily.pl’).

?- consult(‘myfamily.pl’).

?- consult(‘myfamily.pl’).

?- [‘myfamily.pl’].

?- [myfamily].

I’ve checked I’m in the same directory as the file. No idea what I’m missing, but it must be obvious.

Edit: Nevermind, figured it out. It was loading, I just wasn’t getting a compile message.

Compile messages are common in Prolog systems. They were nice in the days people loaded one or two files. Nowadays loading hundreds or thousands of files is not uncommon. That got a bit noisy. There is a Prolog flag verbose_load that can be used to change the verbosity. See current_prolog_flag/2, You can add a call to set_prolog_flag/2 to your personal init file.