I’m having problem understanding how tabling could memoize a predicate: here’s
an example from 2022 advent of code (problem 8):
at(Mat, X-Y, Elem) :-
length(Mat, Len), [X, Y] ins 1..Len,
nth1(Y, Mat, Row), nth1(X, Row, Elem).
upper_shadow(Mat, X-1, 0) :-
length(Mat, Len),
X in 1..Len.
upper_shadow(Mat, X-Y, N) :-
length(Mat, Len),
[X, Y] ins 1..Len,
Y #> 1,
Y1 #= Y - 1,
upper_shadow(Mat, X-Y1, N1),
at(Mat, X-Y1, C),
N #= max(N1, C),
format('~w-~w~n', [X, Y]).
% ?- mat(Mat), upper_shadow(Mat, X-Y, Shadow), false.
From the format
statement, I can see that the predicate upper_shadow is called many times with the same arguments. In the effort of getting some memoization, I tried including a number of tabling directive (with and without subsumption), but I couldn’t get the memoization properties I want.
My questions are:
- How can I memoize this efficiently with tabling?
- How should I think about tabling from an operational semantic viewpoint?
- Are there ways of inspecting the tables?
any insight is appreciated