Compiling with the Logtalk linter portability
flag turned on (but with most of the other lint flags turned off; see warnings gist for those warnings):
?- logtalk_compile('').
* Prolog dialect rewrite of term :-module(ale,[]) as [(:-module(ale,[]))]
* while compiling file
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ at or above line 2
* Prolog dialect rewrite of term :-use_module(library(backcomp),[merge/3,set_feature/2]) as :-use_module(backward_compatibility,[merge/3,set_feature/2])
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ at or above line 48
* Prolog dialect rewrite of term :-use_module(library(lists),[append/3,member/2,reverse/2]) as :-use_module(lists,[append/3,member/2,reverse/2])
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ at or above line 49
* Prolog dialect rewrite of term :-use_module(library(ugraphs),[top_sort/2,vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3]) as :-use_module(ugraphs,[top_sort/2,vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3])
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ at or above line 50
* Prolog dialect rewrite of term :-ensure_loaded(library(quintus)) as :-use_module(quintus,[tan/2,unix/1,atom_char/2,midstring/6,date/1,genarg/3,asin/2,ceiling/2,cos/2,raise_exception/1,midstring/3,otherwise/0,prolog_flag/2,sqrt/2,acos/2,pow/3,log10/2,mode/1,sin/2,on_exception/3,skip_line/1,midstring/4,stream_position/3,skip_line/0,simple/1,sign/2,round/2,atan/2,log/2,abs/2,compile/1,midstring/5,current_stream/3,no_style_check/1,atan2/3,floor/2])
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ at or above line 1067
* Compiling query as an initialization goal: set_feature(character_escapes,true)
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ at or above line 1100
* Compiling query as an initialization goal: nl,write('\nALE Version 3.2.1; December, 2001\nCopyright (C) 1992-1995, Bob Carpenter and Gerald Penn\nCoopyright (C) 1998,1999,2001, Gerald Penn\t \nAll rights reserved'),nl,nointerp,nosubtest,parse,assertz(lexicon_consult)
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 7780-7788
* No matching clause for goal: subsume([s(A,B,C,D)],E,F,<,>,G,H,[],[])
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 7822-7827
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: consult/1
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 1070-1071
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: memberchk/2
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 1133-1136
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: name/2
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 2075-2080
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: length/2
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 2411-2418
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: break/0
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 3093-3095
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: abort/0
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 3105-3106
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: prolog_load_context/2
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 5012-5017
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: absolute_file_name/3
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 5096-5109
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: ttyflush/0
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 5794-5803
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: tab/1
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 6497-6500
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: telling/1
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 7312-7318
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: tell/1
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 7312-7318
* Call to non-standard Prolog built-in predicate: told/0
* while compiling object ale
* in file /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ between lines 7312-7318
% [ /Users/pmoura/Desktop/ compiled ]
% 21 compilation warnings