First off, I’ve been using SWI Prolog on Ubuntu for about a decade now, and I think it’s amazing. That said, recently I switched to using Flatpak for my package management tool where at all possible, as I’ve found that it provides more recent updates than the Canonical/Ubuntu apt repositories, for those applications that I use most often.
The issue I have with this approach is that I don’t want to run the interpreter in a separate window. My assumption was that typing ‘swipl’ in a console would give me an interpreter session in the same console window, not spin up a new window. If I wanted a separate window, I would use swipl-win, as indicated in most of the documentation. So I tracked down the swipl-win symlink and adjusted it to point to swipl instead. Easy fix, but then I found that every time I update my installation of SWI, the symlink gets reset. Could we not, please? Admittedly, this is a nit, but annoying, in what would otherwise be an excellent user experience. If there’s a preferred way of running swipl as the default, rather than swipl-win, I’m all ears.
Thanks much!