Using consult in a directive to load source code; it puzzles me?

It’s done by “*” patterns, but updating seems to happen only periodically. I’ll check later today to see if the latest release is being installed. (It’s also possible that I messed things up with version numbering – I removed 0.9.2 and replaced it with 0.9.1 … I am a very incompetent sysadmin.)

[Note to self: need to update documentation at the pack how-to, for taking advantage of github release system.]

What I meant is this change:

- download('*.zip').
+ download('*.zip').

changing from releases to archive which will not be covered by the ‘*’ pattern, but may need a manual update from Jan.

Jan patiently explained the workflow to me (all these years of programming and I still fail at RTFMing). Everything seems to be updated now.

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I’ve upgraded pack(edcg) to use plunit and also have incorporated @EricGT’s code for castor and pollux. Thanks!

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Thanks. While I have not had the time to look at the details for Paulo’s test for castor and pollux I think his is better.

That test fails for me with SWI-Prolog (presumably it succeeds with logtalk but I haven’t verified that). I wonder why …

?- p(1, S0, S, _), writeln(['S0'=S0,'S'=S]).
q - Y: 2, P: _1014
r - Y: 2, P: _1014

You can run the Logtalk tests by either:

$ cd "$LOGTALKUSER/examples/edcgs"
$ logtalk_tester -p swi


$ swilgt
?- {edcgs(tester)}.

All the tests in the Logtalk distribution (~6000) are run on every GitHub commit.

The problem was that this is not a correct hand-translation of q(_) -->> [].:

q(Y,_,_,P) :-
    format('q - Y: ~w, P: ~w~n',[Y,P]).

It should have been:

q(Y,S,S,P) :-
    format('q - Y: ~w, P: ~w~n',[Y,P]).

But there’s no need to hand-translate to get the values. EDCG has a “/” operator:

q(Y) -->>,
    { format('q - Y: ~w, C0: ~q, C: ~q, P: ~q~n',[Y,C0,C,P]) },
    [ ]:castor. % Not needed.

I’ll update the examples and push a new version soon (for some definition of “soon” because I want to add a few more pedantic tests).

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I did the hand translations to help me learn how EDCG works. I was not expecting those to ever be made public much less make it into a GitHub repository. I only posted for those reading the post. :grimacing:

Buried in this link is a EDCG test of a difference list append.

I don’t particularly like the castor/pollux example, but whatever.

The code at your link doesn’t compile. I don’t have time to fix it; if you want to publish it, perhaps make a PR for ?

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