Webpages in Prolog

I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 7.6.4

I am having a problem to create webpage consists of hyperlinks which link to other webpages using Prolog.

So far, I able to do this:

:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).

:- http_handler(root(test), web_form, []).

server(Port) :-

        http_server(http_dispatch, [port(Port)]).

web_form(_Request) :-




	     form([action='/landing', method='POST'], [

		p([], [

		  label([for=name],'Please select:     '),

		  input([name=test, type=radio, value="one"]),"TEST 1",

                  input([name=test, type=radio, value="two"]),"TEST 2"


		p([], input([name=submit, type=submit, value='Submit'], []))


:- http_handler(root(landing), user_input, []).


                        [ test(Input, [])

       format('Content-type: text/html~n~n', []),
       format('<table border=1>', []),

       format('<tr>', []),
       format('<td>', []),write("Your Input"),nl,format('</td>', []),
       format('<td>', []),format('<b>', []),write(Input),nl,format('</b>', []),format('</td>', []),
       format('</tr>', []),

       format('</table>', []).

However, I can’t create a simple hyperlink using Prolog in the above webpage.

I want to create a MainPage in the web browser - which divided into 2 frames.
The first frame consists of hyperlinks and the second frame is the target to upload the webpage.

I shared the HTML codes below.
I did this all these in HTML using framesets.
Is it possible to create these using Prolog?


<title>FOREST MANAGEMENT</title>
		<frameset cols="20%,*">
			<frame name="one" src="hyperlinks.htm"/>	
			<frame name="TARGETFRAME" src="resources.htm"/>


<h3> F - O - R -  M - A - G </h3>
<li><p><a href="resources.htm" target="TARGETFRAME"> RESOURCES </a></p></li>
<li><p><a href="calculated.htm" target="TARGETFRAME"> CALCULATED </a></p></li>
<li><p><a href="damages.htm" target="TARGETFRAME"> DAMAGES </a></p></li>






	<li><h1>FOREST FLOOR</h1></li>
        <li><h1>RESIDUAL TREES</h1></li>

Sure. I’m not entirely sure what the problem is. a link with a target is simply

a([href(...), target(....)], Content)

Note that quasi quotations may be something for you. They allow writing HTML with expanded Prolog variables, so you get e.g.

    {|html(A1,A2,...)||<a href="A1"> ... |}.

The Prolog notation is mostly pleasant for generating data. The quasi quotation alternative for mostly static HTML code with a few things to fill in.