Can you use the wrap_predicate library predicate?
Yes, you can use the wrap_predicate
library predicate in SWI-Prolog to wrap a predicate with a precondition. Here’s an example:
:- use_module(library(wrap_predicate)).
% Define the original add predicate
add(X, Y, Sum) :- Sum is X + Y.
% Define a precondition that checks if both arguments are positive numbers
positive_numbers_only(X, Y) :-
X > 0, Y > 0.
% Wrap the add predicate with the positive_numbers_only precondition
wrap_predicate(add/3, [positive_numbers_only], _).
% Call the wrapped add predicate with positive arguments
?- add(2, 3, Sum).
Sum = 5.
% Call the wrapped add predicate with a non-positive argument
?- add(2, -3, Sum).
ERROR: positive_numbers_only/2: Both arguments must be positive numbers
In this example, we first load the wrap_predicate
library predicate by calling :- use_module(library(wrap_predicate)).
Then, we define the original add
predicate as before.
Next, we define a new predicate called positive_numbers_only
that takes two arguments and succeeds if both arguments are positive numbers.
To wrap the add
predicate with the positive_numbers_only
precondition, we call wrap_predicate(add/3, [positive_numbers_only], _)
. The first argument of wrap_predicate
specifies the predicate and its arity (in this case, add/3
), the second argument is a list of preconditions (in this case, positive_numbers_only
), and the third argument is an output variable that is not used in this example.
Finally, we can call the wrapped add
predicate with positive and non-positive arguments, and observe that it behaves as expected.
Note that the wrap_predicate
library predicate is a convenient way to wrap a predicate with a precondition, but it is not as flexible as defining the wrapper function explicitly, as in the previous examples. For example, it does not allow you to define a custom error message when the precondition fails.