50 years of Prolog: Refresh application database

This year Prolog becomes 50 years of age. Several activities are being organized, coordinated by the ALP (Association for Logic Programming) You can find more information at https://prologyear.logicprogramming.org/

In the 90s there was once a database of Prolog applications. Laurent Gouzenes is reviving this database. He put a form online for registering applications. An application database is an important signal to decision makers that a Prolog based solution is a viable option. Please spread the word and fill this database.

edit 2022-06-10: Updated form link location.


And Prolog is entering the top 20 in TIOBE Index - TIOBE !!


Prolog has been more popular than Lisp and Haskell.

I didn’t realize it before. It’s amazing.

BTW, I don’t think Prolog has surpassed Lisp in popularity since Lisp has many dialects. For example, GNU Emacs uses Lisp as a configuration language and it has a lot of users. Prolog also has an Emacs, which unfortunately is rarely used :disappointed_relieved:.

With the SWI-Prolog logo (be it in a bit degraded shape :frowning: )

P.s. Eye would be a good addition to the application database!

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Congratulations everyone for entering the top 20 :slight_smile:

Regarding the logo, I believe that it would be positive to have and promote (as a community) a logo for the language itself and not any particular implementation. E.g., the C language is not identified by the LLVM/Clang/GCC/MSVC logos.


Thank you for the suggestion @jan and I mailed it to Laurent.

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In the 90s there was once a database of Prolog applications. Laurent Gouzenes is reviving this database

Is this database already available for browsing?


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Hi everyone

You can access the 1995 database and the new 2022 census from this landing page :


Please also visit the new 2022 database, and fill in the new census form about your own applications !

Thanks in advance


That can’t be denied :slight_smile: I have not be involved in their choice. Bottom line is there is no acknowledged logo for Prolog AFAIK. The ALP logo gets as close as we get, but the ALP also covers other languages.

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It seems that there are many broken links; in particular, for the 1995 database. Thanks for the effort in maintaining this!

That TIOBE index is a nice link. I grabbed this compact version to share with students. Thanks much.

(Sorry if the image cuts out your 2nd-most favourite language…^^)

For the “Prolog Education” portion of the Year of Prolog initiative, does anyone have a contact email?
There doesn’t seem to be one on the ALP site… With the recent move to online education, I was moved to make a few videos, and some should be accessible to school age children.

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Yes, you are right that more contact points are needed, we are working
on adding them (the web site is still work in progress --mainly my
fault). Here are some:

For the general topic of education the contact point is
Veronica Dahl (veronica_dahl@sfu.ca).

Within the general education topic there is a working group that is
gathering materials and pointers on teaching prolog. The contact
points for that are David S. Warren (warren@cs.stonybrook.edu) and
myself, Manuel Hermenegildo (manuel.hermenegildo@upm.es).

There is another working group putting together a package for
kids. The contact points there are José Francisco Morales
(josef.morales@imdea.org) and Theresa Swift (theresasturn@gmail.com).

Please do send any pointers you may be aware of and let’s make this
year of Prolog a big step forward for the language!

Cheers, --Manuel


I try to keep the more useful information accessible on this page.

Useful Prolog references

Thanks much for the info. I followed up directly via email. Hope the project goes really well.

Yeah but there’s some truth in that, as well.

great idea Frank
give a look here : https://www.km2-conseil.fr//PROLOG/EDU%20RESSOURCES.html , and provide some feedback !