Added Linkify words in post Theme

General note for the admins.

In adding component themes to primary themes it seems that when a component theme is added to all themes the component theme is not being added to the selected default primary theme. I was able to get the component theme that was expected to be added to the primary theme to add to the primary theme by using the settings in the primary theme selected as default and adding the component theme there.

No, to simplify the implementation, the Prolog predicates component just does the Prolog words, it doesn’t attempt to do the general linking stuff, so it’ll need the other component for general-purpose linkifying.

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Many of the words from the sets in the links below should be included. Granted not all of these words should be added e.g. string.

SWI-Prolog Glossary
SWI-Prolog GitHub repository names

SWI-Prolog packages - just the most popular 10 or 20
Famous people who have contributed to Prolog like Alain Colmerauer and Robert Kowalski
Titles of classic Prolog books

Common acronyms like LPN
Related Logic Programming Languages like Ciao and Logtalk.

Moved from here.

The specific theme you are noting Added Linkify words in post Theme was created so that others could type in predicate indicators located in the SWI-Prolog documentation. While I agree it would be nice to have it also link to the libraries, packages and packs, that was never part of the design.

Ok, thanks. It make sense, of course I didn’t followed the thread with sufficient attention.

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If you want to try your hand at adding the ability to linkify the libraries, packs and packages Discourse has a Theme sandbox, see: Theme Creator, create and show themes without installing Discourse!.

Also the source code for the two component themes is public at GitHub


As @jamesnvc modifed discourse-linkify-words to create discourse-linkify-prolog-predicates I am sure he can offer useful advise.

If you get it working and can be installed, I will gladly support you for the parts needing admin help, e.g. installing and some quick testing. However if it is installed and found to cause a problem I would uninstall it at the drop of a hat.


Add linkify words

  • #devel_commits
  • #wasm_demo
  • #wasm_wiki

Note these three words require the # before the word to be automatically recognized and converted to a link.