Crossed 50k pageviews per month on Discourse


Don’t forget Discourse who is hosting this site for free with hardware, software and admin support.

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And Kyndi, paying half of my salary for two years now that made lots of stuff possible, notably cooperating with David Warren and Theresa Swift.


Discourse forum post: Clarification needed on memory requirements for Docker install - now waiting for responses.

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I know where my problem came from, I was thinking of swap as a part of RAM mapped out as a file, e.g. RAM drive. I guess it is the price I pay for typically using Windows and not Linux.

As noted in the Discourse reply it comes out of the file space.

So the requirements are

  • modern single core CPU
  • 2GB RAM minimum, 4 GB would be nice
  • 64 bit Linux compatible with Docker
  • 40 GB disk space minimum
  • 2 GB swap file recommended (ref), which can be taken out of the 40 GB disk space
  • Must be able to run Docker container(s)

Does that make sense? If not please ask I don’t mind doing the leg work.

going off to OSUOSL

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What Operating

system and version would you prefer? Do you want us to spin the VM for you or
get you web console access so you can do it yourself?

Still need answer to this

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

The reason I am not asking for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is this

E: Unable to locate package libqtwebkit-dev

Do you want us to spin the VM for you or

get you web console access so you can do it yourself?

Yes - would like web console access

Sorry I am not use to getting web console access

ok, do you want the vm installed?

Lets start with us doing as much as possible including us doing the VM install.

If we fail or do it wrong they can always scratch the machine and do it themselves but this way we get a better understanding of what is happening.

ok, I got you a console and asked them to install 18.04, I’ll be handing over to you soon


They got back to me asking for ssh key.

@jan @richard.siddall @EricGT if you all send me public ssh keys we’re probably going to need them soon

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I manually bumped your trust level so you are not sandboxed in by the new user limits.

If you have any questiions about using Discourse or other members of your team join, I can be reached with @EricGT

OSU has set up the server. @jan @EricGT I’ve sent you private messages, @richard.siddall I need a pub key from you, life is good.

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Personal notes related to creating SOP

Linux Distributions Optimized for Hosting Docker
Everything You Need to Know about Linux Containers, Part II: Working with Linux Containers (LXC)

Kubernetes vs. Docker: A Primer

These nodes, or Docker hosts, can be bare-metal servers or virtual machines.

Ubuntu Cloud Images

Minimal Ubuntu, on public clouds and Docker Hub
Minimal Ubuntu for containers and clouds

Discourse in a Docker container - Blog post by Sam Saffron, Discourse co-owner.


Docker (today: version 0.6.5) is a front end that drives Linux LXC containers and uses a copy-on-write storage engine built on AUFS. It is the “glue” that gives you a simple API to deal with containers and optionally run them in the background, persistently.

Docker - OpenStack - Might be possible to host Discourse on OpenStack without the need for the host OS. Need to look into this more.

smem memory reporting tool (ref)

Why is “rebuild” so tightly coupled to container run status?

Statement by [Rafael dos Santos Silva] (Profile - Falco - Discourse Meta)Falco team Date: 12/18/19

Rebuild is a catch all update, which can:

  • Update Discourse source
  • Update OS level dependencies, like Ruby major verson
  • Update to newer and incompatible versions of PostgreSQL, where it takes care of updating the data disk format for the newer version
  • Update the Docker image. Just as an example, earlier this year we changed from Ubuntu 16.04 to last Debian and all is transparent to the user, just type ./launcher rebuild app .

Rebuilds aren’t necessary all the time, they are mandatory just a few times a year when a huge dependency update happens. For all other updates you can have 0 downtime updates clicking on the web updater in the admin UI.

How to restore backup tar.gz file from console command?

Statement by Arpit Jalan techAPJ team Date: 01/07/2018

I just ran the restore successfully on my sandbox using these commands:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
discourse enable_restore
discourse restore discourse-2018-01-08-044921-v20171228122834.tar.gz

Running commands inside discourse container?

Is there an obvious advantage here that I’m missing versus running commands directly inside the container using
./launcher enter app

Statement by Jay Pfaffman pfaffman

There are a few:

  1. Shorter commands removing redundant steps (. /launcher enter app is just ./launcher exec app bash except you’re stuck in bash without the defaults that you’re accustomed to, and then you still need to run the command you actually wanted to run (ie, discourse restore . Also, inside the container’s bash you constantly (every rebuilt) loose all your shell history and the history settings inside the container are probably not what you’re used to. You’re also forced to use bash instead of zsh or whatever shell you might normally use.
  2. How do you automate anything on the host that operates on your container without this? For example, the script I outlined above that we run on our staging site each night… grabs our database from live and restores it onto dev. I imagine you don’t want to write expect scripts to automate a terminal session…

Here’s an example of what I’ve been doing:

docker exec -w /var/www/discourse -i app rake api_key:get

but having launcher facilitate that seems like a great idea to me.

PostgreSQL 12 update - Notes many Docker commands and such. To many to list here so read the article again.
Host run support for launcher

Useful Docker Exec Commands for Discourse Sys Admin

TODO: Make query to track when a person is getting a e-mail. (ref)

Who is VNU. My best guess is Verenigde Nederlandse Uitgeverijen (Wikipedia)

Its Anne’s wrong abbreviation for “Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam” :slight_smile: Sometimes called VUA, more commonly just VU as the other university of Amsterdam is the “Universiteit van Amsterdam”, abbreviated as UvA.